I live under a forgottten blue sky,
Planes spray as the morning goes by
everyday I wake to catch a glimpse
of the forgotten blue marble atmosphere
by mid day I am blinded by a haze
and yet no one seems to ask what is going on here?
Call it chemical call it comical,
a conspiracy is usually under a seedy blanket
oh wait, im breathing it in,
the blanket of rags someone is responsible for dumping into our air
why is it that no one seems to know whats going on up there
Fact is there have been plans and patents in place since the 1950's
dont believe me, google owning the weather
or weather modification or cloud seeding.
It's not hard to miss and the consequences are so bad even your grandchildrens grandchildren will be having trouble breathing
It's so absurd that just talking about it leaves my ears bleeding ...
I'm fed up
If you weren't so tired,
Maybe you'd notice
If you weren't so modified yourself
You'd look up
Planes spray as the morning goes by
everyday I wake to catch a glimpse
of the forgotten blue marble atmosphere
by mid day I am blinded by a haze
and yet no one seems to ask what is going on here?
Call it chemical call it comical,
a conspiracy is usually under a seedy blanket
oh wait, im breathing it in,
the blanket of rags someone is responsible for dumping into our air
why is it that no one seems to know whats going on up there
Fact is there have been plans and patents in place since the 1950's
dont believe me, google owning the weather
or weather modification or cloud seeding.
It's not hard to miss and the consequences are so bad even your grandchildrens grandchildren will be having trouble breathing
It's so absurd that just talking about it leaves my ears bleeding ...
I'm fed up
If you weren't so tired,
Maybe you'd notice
If you weren't so modified yourself
You'd look up