Thursday, January 28, 2021

unemployment benefits and stimulus

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Stimulus checks won't be taxed, but unemployment benefits will be
By Katie Lobosco, CNN
Updated 7:01 AM EST, Thu January 28, 2021

Washington(CNN)The federal government has sent billions of dollars directly to Americans to help them cope with the economic fallout of the pandemic, but now that tax season is approaching, some people could find they owe some of the money back.

Stimulus checks, unemployment and more: Here's the aid that's coming from Washington -- and what might be coming soon
Stimulus checks, unemployment and more: Here's the aid that's coming from Washington -- and what might be coming soon
It depends on the type of benefit. The two rounds of direct stimulus payments that were sent to millions of Americans are tax-free. But the special pandemic unemployment benefits are treated like income and could increase your 2020 tax bill if money hasn't already been withheld for taxes.

But some people might actually receive more stimulus money when they file their 2020 tax returns. Because stimulus checks were calculated using 2018 or 2019 income, those who lost their job in 2020 or otherwise saw their income fall from the year before could be due extra cash -- which they can claim on their return.

Here's what you need to know:

Stimulus checks are tax free
More than 160 million Americans received a stimulus payment worth up to $1,200, or double for couples, last year. A second round of payments began going out in January, worth up to $600 per individual, including children younger than 17.

The amounts are calculated on a sliding scale and start phasing out for individuals with adjusted gross incomes of more than $75,000, heads of household who earn more than $112,500, and married couples filing jointly earning more than $150,000.

The money isn't taxed, because the payments were technically an advance on a 2020 tax credit.

You could be due more stimulus money
The 2020 tax return will allow people to claim more money if they didn't receive the full amount they were due.

How to get the most Covid financial relief when filing your taxes this year 
How to get the most Covid financial relief when filing your taxes this year
The stimulus payments were based on either 2018 or 2019 income. That means people who experienced a reduction in pay or lost their job during the pandemic are likely owed more money. (Those whose income increased in 2020 will not have to pay back any money, though.)

The Internal Revenue Service is adding a Recovery Rebate Credit Worksheet to the 2020 tax return forms to help taxpayers determine if they are eligible for more money.

Those who haven't gotten their second check because they changed their bank account or address since the first one was sent can also claim the money on their tax return.

What to do if you didn't get a stimulus payment
There are an estimated 8 million people who may have missed out on the stimulus payments altogether because they aren't normally required to file taxes and the Internal Revenue Service had no way of reaching them. An online portal that allowed them to input their bank account information is not longer available -- but they can file a 2020 return to receive the money.

President Joe Biden has asked the Treasury Department to take more aggressive action to reach these people.

Are more stimulus checks on the way?
Biden is calling on Congress to approve another round of $1,400 payments, as part of a sweeping $1.9 trillion relief plan that would also extend unemployment benefits, provide more money for small businesses, and reinstate emergency paid leave.

There is support for another round of checks from lawmakers in both parties, but it's not certain Biden has all the votes he needs. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia has said he would prefer additional payments to be more targeted, to make sure the money goes to those hit the hardest and excluding people who may not need the money.

Congress could take steps to consider Biden's economic relief package as soon as next week.

Tax is owed on unemployment benefits
Unlike the stimulus payments, there is tax on unemployment benefits.

Congress has increased weekly payments by $300 through mid-March, on top of state benefits. Last year, the unemployed received a weekly boost of $600 for four months. Lawmakers also expanded unemployment benefits to more Americans, including the self-employed, independent contractors, and gig workers.

Like state unemployment benefits, the federal payments are subject to income tax. Some people may have chosen to withhold taxes from the benefit when they enrolled for unemployment with their state agency, but others may owe the full tax amount when they file their 2020 return.

CNN's Tami Luhby contributed reporting.
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Friday, January 8, 2021

mark of the beast

We need to talk about the mark of the beast. While there are countless ideas and opinions about exactly what the mark is, this is mine and I stand behind it.

It’s vitally important right now, during the Covid-19 scare and beyond, to be vigilant. The statistics simply don’t add up to a worldwide lockdown that we’re currently under.

In this article, I’ll show you exactly how I came to a specific conclusion about the ominous mark of the beast and how it plays into our current worldwide events.

(Disclaimer: the mark of the beast is not an RFID chip implant.)

Read on.

Revelation 13 and 14
To give a baseline to our discussion, this is how the Bible describes the mark of the beast in Revelation 13:16-18 (KJV):

“16. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.”

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Note that in Scripture, your right hand represents your works and deeds, and your forehead represents your thoughts and will.

You may think I’m going to say that the “he” referenced in the Scripture is an individual called Antichrist, right?

It’s not. It goes way deeper than that.

The unfortunate endgame for those who choose (notice I say “choose,” not forced) to take the mark of the beast is detailed in Revelation 14:9-11 (NKJV):

“9. Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10. he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.'”

But how will you know when the mark of the beast is presented to you?

How will you possibly stop it from happening to you and your loved ones?

Is it happening right now?

The mark of the beast does not come from an individual called Antichrist; it’s a system
Revelation 13 is very clear about who gives the mark. And it’s not a person called Antichrist. It’s also clear in Revelation 13 that there are two different forces at work during the end times: the first beast and the second beast.

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The first beast, also called the beast of the sea, is the one associated with the Antichrist system. This is the system we’ve been living under for hundreds of years. It’s the all-to-familiar system of oppression, fear, debt and slavery.

But it’s not this beast that gives the mark.

The second beast, the beast of the earth, the false prophet system which is also called The Alliance, is the one that gives the mark. This beast is a system that represents hope, wealth and power to the people.

If we take things back to verse 11 in Revelation 13 (KJV), it becomes much clearer that a second beast, like a lamb, arises in the endtimes:

“11. And I beheld another beast coming out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him.”

How the first beast has lied to us about the mark
The idea that the mark of the beast is some sort of ambiguous form of technology that somehow tracks your every movement better than an iPhone or a FitBit, or allows you to pay without using cash better than Apple Pay or any credit/debit card, or has some new facial recognition software (like they’re already doing in China and several US cities) and is given by Antichrist, is a non-Biblical Jesuit idea that’s been popularized by a media controlled by the first beast.

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But it simply isn’t true.

One example of how we’ve learned to accept the idea that the mark of the beast comes from a person called Antichrist can be found in season eight of the popular television series American Horror Story, based in April, 2020.

In this series, a specific character is depicted as the Antichrist who arises to power. In a scene, the character even quotes (incorrectly) from Revelation 13:1 (KJV):

“And I stood upon the sand of sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”

The writers of the series want you to think this verse refers to a single person, and that this person is the beast of the sea; the first beast; the Antichrist.

In American Horror Story, this deceptive character even has a suspicious 666 scar behind one of his ears. This is completely inaccurate and only further perpetuates the lie.

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This represents the misinformation widely believed by Christians and non-Christians alike. However, Revelation 13:1 actually teaches us that the first beast is the antichrist system; the spirit of Belial and his many armies.

The idea that there’s an individual Antichrist is the most popular idea circulated throughout the world. But what’s popular doesn’t equal what is Biblically true.

It’s only what the first beast wants us to believe.

The two beasts
The two beasts in Revelation are conglomerates of two separate and distinct Luciferian agendas. Dark magic describes these agendas as right-hand or left-hand paths. Light and dark. Bad and evil.

Notice that I didn’t say “good and evil.”

To those who hold the belief that a single man will rise to power and somehow desecrate a temple, claim that he is God and be worshipped by the entire world, I want to ask you something: how could one man possibly overcome the first beast: the deep state, the cabal, and the elite who have almost complete control over all current forms of government, media and religion?

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How could one man, no matter how powerful, overcome them all and rule the world as though he were God?

One person can’t. It takes an army of principalities and powers to accomplish a worldwide agenda on this massive scale.

It takes a great left vs. right deception.

To throw us off the path of Truth, the agenda has convinced us that we are the problem. We divide ourselves in every way possible and fight among each other. This keeps us from learning the truth of who actually rules over us, and what their ultimate goal is.

The next purpose it has is to keep us blind from noticing when the second agenda arrives. The second agenda is when we encounter the mark of the beast.

The first agenda, although still in plain sight, has already been defeated by the second agenda. But to fully understand how events will play out, we need to look at how the first agenda accomplished dominion over the people of world.

The Federal Reserve banking system
All money in the US is controlled by a private central bank called The Federal Reserve.

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As Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe, was quoted:

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

The road toward complete control for the elites of the world hasn’t been easy. In fact, it’s been inching its way forward for millennia.

By researching the history of central banks and the Federal Reserve system, you’ll learn what a long path it’s been for the first beast to gain total control over us through deceptive banking practices, debt and a system that sets us up for failure and slavery.

Entire books have been written on this subject.

However, we’ve now reached the final phase, moving past the transition from the first beast to the second; into the complete and total control of the second beast.

The second beast will not rule through the central banks. In fact, the second beast will destroy these entities.

Ask yourself, however: could a single man that is yet to come somehow do this on his own? Could he somehow be worse, or more evil, that the first beast system that, through their banking cartel, ran the world on:

The blood of human trafficking?
Drug trafficking?
Satanic ritual abuse?
Pagan idolatry?
Child sacrifice?
The strategic rejection of Truth?
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These activities have all been hiding under our noses for hundreds of years, while we toil away in day-to-day life, trying to survive.

The first beast, the cabal, is quite literally anti-Christ. They follow the rules and laws of the Babylonian Talmud, which is the most anti-Christ book in existence. It teaches them that you and your loved ones are nothing more than cattle for their use.

So, could one man be somehow more blasphemous to God than the current world we already live in? Is one man really the second beast? Or is it much more?

It’s time to open your eyes to the real world we live in.

The Rapture
Another reason people believe the Antichrist is a man is because of the popular book series Left Behind, written by noted Freemason Tim Lahaye.

This book series also popularized the idea of a rapture. However, the rapture doctrine in these books is highly misrepresented by distortions of what the Bible really says.

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This is a huge topic that I’ll need to cover in another article. But for now, I’ll just say that if you’re getting your theology or endtimes beliefs from Tim Lahaye, it’s pretty much the same as getting your news from Anderson Cooper or Rachel Maddow.

RFID chip implants
You’ve probably noticed that anytime someone mentions getting an RFID chip, people start to scream, “mark of the beast!”

But throwing out the term “mark of the beast” over RFID chip implants completely cheapens the MASSIVE and world-wide event that is going to be the true mark.

The real mark will be based upon Biblical truth and actual historical events leading up to a worldwide quantum currency reset.

People usually conjure up fantastical ideas that one day, the entire world is going to turn upside down and everyone will immediately know that the end is here. That’s exactly what the enemy wants us to believe.

But we don’t live in the movies the enemy has shown us.

Remember, 2000 years ago, nearly everyone missed the first coming of Yeshua (Jesus) because they were all looking for a King; someone they deemed worthy of being the Messiah.

Just like in those days, looking for a sign today that says 666 in some sensational RFID technology is not rooted in reality, even if the idea fits with what we think will happen.

Furthermore, an RFID implant is a technology that could potentially be forced on you. The mark of the beast will be freely chosen by each individual, not forced upon them.

The rules of the cabal
Lucifer and his armies are required to work within a specific set of rules.

This is very important.

The rules are a body of spiritual principles that they must follow in order to be allowed to exist. If they don’t closely follow these benevolent spiritual principles and forces, they can’t achieve their goals.

In other words, unless we give them our permission, they cannot achieve what they set out to do.

The rules are universal laws that cannot be pre-empted, avoided or worked around.

Malevolent forces, or fallen angels, and disembodied spirits of Nephilim (or “demons”) cannot do anything without our consent or that is outside of Biblical prophecy.

This is exactly why prophecy is so subjective. If there were too many specifics given within prophecy, instead of parables to be interpreted at the correct time, the malevolent forces would be locked into fulfilling prophecy in one specific way. This would suggest a deterministic God.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Think of prophecy like a hurricane spaghetti model. Certain paths end up merging into one at certain times. In prophecy, these alignments are based upon the decisions we as a people make, that are presented to us by the principalities of the powers of the air and executed by the wicked people who hold positions of high power.

But the ultimate decisions remain with us.

The idea of a worldwide RFID chip being forcefully implanted into every single person doesn’t follow the very laws that the dark cabal must follow.

Say, however, that for some reason that were to happen. What system would the RFID even chip run on? How would it operate any differently from your current:

IP address?
Bank account?
How exactly would it work to connect all people in all places?

You see, the chip itself is superfluous when you take it to its logical conclusion.

Instead, something revolutionary must happen that has never been uncovered or understood until the right time. Something like a new quantum financial system.

So here we go.

NESARA, GESARA and Saint Germain
NESARA began with Saint Germain. This is the event has been in the works throughout all of human history.

Saint Germain is one of the most key figures in the New Age belief system, and is said to be an ascended master. But his spirit is ancient. It goes far beyond what we know as the human of Saint Germain.

A better description of him is the fallen angel known as Lucifer, who is also called Gadreel. The Book of Enoch references Gadreel and calls him the angel who deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden.

It’s been documented that in 1729, Saint Germain was working on the establishment and funding of a new world monetary trust. The Saint Germain world trust now contains the majority of the wealth that will be distributed to the world once the new financial reset takes place.

Today, Saint Germain’s world trust prosperity program is known as NESARA and GESARA.

NESARA stands for National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It applies only to the United States.

While GESARA, the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, applies to the rest of the world.

For centuries, elite families who “follow the light” (or the agenda of the second beast, the beast of the land) have been contributing to this world trust. Saint Germain specifically stated that the money in his world trust would be used in the future for prosperity and humanitarian purposes.

Now, after over 250 years of contributions by the rich and elite followers-of-light, and compounding interest, Saint Germain’s world trust is over one Quattuordecillion dollars. That is a one with 45 zeros behind it.

It looks like this:


It’s important to note that the United States was none other than Saint Germain’s own Masonic experiment. The reason there’s a program specifically for the United States and a separate worldwide program is because the US determines, to a large extent, what happens in the rest of the world.

This was Saint Germain’s plan from the very beginning. The world trust will be launched in the US under the name NESARA, and will be the first country to distribute the prosperity funds.

I’ll cover more about Saint Germain in detail in another article. There’s a lot to share.

Draining the swamp; the false prophet system
Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.

He printed 1,000 copies of his proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996), and sent copies to all members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits.

Yes, “draining the swamp.” Sound familiar?

Although the mainstream narrative states that the proposal died before ever gaining traction, the truth is actually quite different.

It’s said that NESARA was secretly passed by the US Congress on March 9, 2000. The military forced Bill Clinton to sign it into law under threat.

Yes, the military. The ones who are behind the entire worldwide QAnon movement and are part of the second beast system. They actually forced Clinton, a dark cabalist who is part of the first beast system, to sign NESARA into law.

GESARA is part of the Paris Agreement that was signed into law in 2015. Remember, Trump took the US out of the Paris agreement in 2019. The reason was simple: the US is not part of GESARA. We have NESARA, the version that’s specific to the United States. The move had nothing to do with climate change.

As a program, NESARA can be viewed from a couple of different perspectives. The New Age says that NESARA is:

“A spiritually directed financial program that can be attributed back to Saint Germain. It was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the time of transition.”

The transition they mention is happening right now, with Donald Trump, the White Hats and QAnon eliminating the cabal, or the deep state, and “draining the swamp.”

The power is shifting from the dark cabal, or the Antichrist system, to The Alliance, or the false prophet system; from the first beast to the second beast, as we discussed earlier. Or, as QAnon likes to say, “from dark to light.”

However, this is a false light masquerading as the real thing. Promising humanity a glorious future after the cabal is taken down is a false future.

Entering the new age
The New Age says that this current time of transition is from the Piscean Age to the Age of Aquarius. Saint Germain says that he is the teacher of the Aquarian Age. Unfortunately, he’ll never get to have his own millennial reign after this financial reset.


Because he’s Lucifer and this is the mark; quite literally the last prophesy before the return of Jesus.

The world trust was supposed to be distributed to the world at the beginning of what Saint Germain called Christendom’s Second Millennium, or the year 2000. However, as Y2K started to get closer, it became clear that the dark cabal who controlled the world was not about to let this happen yet. Additionally, many Biblical prophecies had not yet been fulfilled.

Next, NESARA was set to be announced on September 11, 2001 at 10am EST. Do you remember what happened then?

The cabal blew up the World Trade Center to prevent it from happening. The gold that backed the new Alliance economy currency was stored within the World Trade Center towers, and was temporarily stolen by the cabal.

Could the gold now be stored in the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard? We don’t know for sure; but the Global Seed Vault is guarded under lock, key and weaponry like no other place in the world.

Nine-eleven was a perfect example of how the hand of Biblical prophecy simply can’t be forced. While we were in the end times in 2001, the seven year Tribulation had not yet started. More prophecies still needed to be fulfilled.

As a collective, humanity had to yet agree to certain spiritual tests given to us by the principalities. The “hurricane spaghetti model” of possible outcomes still had too much uncertainty as to what humanity would spiritually agree with and consent to.

Today, however, we the table perfectly set for a worldwide monetary reset, due to the Covid-19 pandemic scare. There seems to be a deliberate destruction of the monetary order happening on a worldwide scale.

We also see a record number of people proclaiming spirituality, while rejecting Jesus as savior.

The verse 2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV) explains it as such:

“Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.“

From dark to light
The faction behind NESARA and GESARA consider themselves to be working for the light; the system that is in opposition to the cabal. But, remember how we discussed that it’s not “bad vs. good” but “bad vs. evil?” Just because the false prophet system is taking down the Antichrist system doesn’t make the false prophet system good; although it sure will sound like it when it’s presented to us.

These people are now working directly with Donald Trump to bring about the new worldwide quantum financial system. Most of the people working to defeat the cabal and “end the Fed (Federal Reserve Banking system)” are in the US military. Since NESARA failed in 2001, they decided that there was no sense in unveiling it to the people until the dark cabalists were first removed from power.

This is exactly what Trump and QAnon are now doing, along with the assistance of other Alliance countries such as Russia and China. There are many others.

Events are now in line with Biblical prophecy.

Beyond that, many in the New Age claim that the current incarnation of Saint Germain is in fact Donald Trump.

The time is nearly here to release the prosperity funds from Saint Germain’s world trust. Why? Because those who were controlling the current monetary system of central banking are simply no longer in control.

What NESARA will do for the US and the world
Now, take a breath. Remember how the amount of money in the Saint Germain world trust has reached a number of a 1 and 45 zeros?

NESARA funds will first be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zeros out all of their debt.

Once all of those funds are paid out, the remaining funds will be distributed to the people.

Here’s what they plan on doing with it for every citizen who signs a personal contract with the new Alliance:

Forgive all mortgage, bank debt and credit card debt due to the cabal’s illegal banking and government activities
Eliminate the Federal Reserve system
Abolish income taxes
Abolish the IRS
Create flat-rate, non-essential “new items only” sales tax revenue to fund the new government
Drastically increase benefits to senior citizens
Return true Constitutional Law to all citizens and courts
Establish new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA’s announcement
Create new US treasury currency, the “rainbow currency” — one backed by gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals
End the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933
Stop all special interest groups
Closely monitor the validity of elections
Establish worldwide peace — US troops will be brought home from around the world as peace is declared; in alignment with the Constitution, there will be no standing armies, and that will be permanently observed
Release enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
Enable the release of thousands of suppressed technologies currently being withheld from the public under the guise of national security — this includes free energy devices, antigravity devices, and sonic healing machines (6,000 technologies will be released initially, followed by the release of more than 60,000 technologies)
Initiate the first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth that has been accumulating for hundreds of years
NESARA and GESARA will create an entirely new system of worldwide currency that’s fully transparent, backed by gold, not governed by bankers and runs on the blockchain, an un-hackable, ledger-driven accounting of every transaction ever made. This offers full transparancy and privacy, and is 100% traceable.

And remember, blockchain isn’t just for money. It also helps to eliminate voter fraud and all dark web illegal activity, and much more.

Even though the US was on the gold standard before Richard Nixon took us off of it in 1971, this time will be very different. Nixon took the US off the gold standard in order to create debt and make the Federal Reserve more powerful.

The new gold, however, isn’t coming from the Fed, or any other country’s central banking system. Rather, it will be coming from Saint Germain’s world trust.

This is absolutely unprecedented in all of world history.

The Eternal oath
Before We the People can accept these funds, each individual will be required to make a pledge to use this money for humanitarian purposes. Or, make some sort of large-scale “oath to humanity.”

Not surprisingly, there is already a blueprint for this. It reads as such:

“Upon this eternal oath, I freely pledge to:

Dedicate my mind to the discovery of knowledge
Dedicate my soul to the pursuit of enlightenment
Dedicate my efforts to the process of abundance
Dedicate my existence to bringing all people, in all places, into unification
And to dedicate my life and days upon this planet to the protection and abundance of the human species
On this day of ____________


Takes this Eternal pledge”

Swearing an eternal oath doesn’t sound that bad, right? Especially for the “good” of humanity?

James 5:12 (KJV) strongly disagrees:

“But above all things, my bretheren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.”

Matthew 5:34-35 (KJV) says the same:

“34. But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35. or by the earth, for it is His footstool.”

The people in the United States are the ones in most danger for signing this oath and accepting these funds, which is the mark of the beast. Those in the US will be first, and probably won’t realize that within a few days, or weeks, after they accept, the entire world will be on the exact same system.

April 6 update – ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH: Comparing Covid-19 to 1918’s Spanish Flu (Passover Begins)
All banks throughout the world will be forced to announce the new quantum financial system, GESARA, after only a few days of NESARA’s official announcement.

The Jubilee and deceiving the elect
This entire idea is based in the Hebrew, and is called The Jubilee, where all debt is cancelled.

But why do you think that everything associated with this global financial reset, the mark of the beast, is based upon Biblical terms? For example, Matthew 6:12 (KJV) says:

“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”

It’s almost as though they are trying to deceive the very elect; which they certainly are.

In the US, there will be a grace period where your current Federal Reserve notes will continue to be accepted, then taken out of circulation. But after that time, only the new currency will be accepted.

In other words, you won’t be able to buy or sell without it, just as Revelation 13:17 (KJV) says:

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

The reason gold-backed money is so important to The Alliance is because of the Biblical King Solomon, who was one of Saint Germain’s prior incarnations according to New Age Luciferian beliefs.

King Solomon was one of the world’s foremost alchemists, occultists, and was guided by none other that Lucifer himself. He was also the richest man who ever lived.

Biblically, King Solomon and his New Age spiritual lineage are the 666.

Revelation 13:18 (KJV) says:

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

And we see that in 1 Kings 10:14 (KJV):

“Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold.”

God gave us all of the information we need to decipher the Bible, all within its pages. In other words, the Bible cross-references itself to show ultimate Truth.

With a little study and research, the parallels and warnings about Solomon and the spiritual lineage that lead to Saint Germain, Donald Trump and 666 can be found in other places of the Bible, such as 2 Chronicles 9:13.

God does not repeat Himself without reason. We need to heed His clear warning.

The return of Christ
If you believe this to be the mark of the beast, then you must also believe that Jesus is returning anytime thereafter. We are at the end of the Tribulation, watching for the last prophecy to be fulfilled.

While nobody can be sure exactly when Jesus will return, it seems likely that He will return before the grace period between currencies runs out.

Remember, Jesus said that nobody knows the day or hour of His return. He did not say that we would be blind to the general timeframe of the return.

Don’t buy into the fear. Don’t buy into the peer pressure. Don’t buy into the hype. There will be public shaming and probable financial difficulties when you choose to refuse the mark of the beast. There will be an overwhelming group mentality of acceptance that will be fueled by the love of material things.

We might easily be confused into thinking that this is something very good. It will be presented as something that you want, or need to have; you’d be a fool not to accept it.

I mean seriously, who wouldn’t want to be free from all earthly debt and be filthy rich, living in a Utopia? This is exactly how we’ve been conditioned to want to operate in this world.

But Matthew 6:24 (KJV) says:

“Ye cannot serve both God and money.”

Always keep in mind, none of the “stuff” here on earth has any eternal value. Like Matthew 6:19-21 (KJV) says:

“19. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break in and steal: 21. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

The final test; the final countdown
Who do you trust? Do you trust the fear that the world is pushing down your throat right now? Will you trust the NESARA solution when it’s presented to solve all of the world’s problems?

Mark 10:24 (KJV) says:

“how hard it is for them that trust in riches to enter into the Kingdom of God!”

God is not the god of this material world. The mark of the beast is what will eternally separate you from God, because God doesn’t promise you earthly riches and material wealth. In fact, He is in direct opposition to it.

It’s your heart that shows God where your allegiance is.

Are you focused on Him, or are you in love with the things of this world? When you’re forced to make the decision to take the mark of the beast that will seal your eternal fate, what decision will you make?

Jesus faced the same decision; now it’s your turn
When you’re making your decision, remember that Jesus faced the same temptation from Lucifer when He walked on the earth. Lucifer offered Him all the kingdoms of the world if he would pledge an oath to him.

Matthew 4:9 (KJV):

“9. All these things will I give Thee, if Thou wilt fall down and worship me.”

But in the next verse, Jesus replied:

“10. Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.”

We will all be presented with the exact same proposition. It may come during the coronavirus Covid-19 scare, or it may come a bit later. Only time will tell.

But when it does, will you answer like your neighbor does? Or will you answer like Jesus did?

2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV):

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”



The National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) was signed into law in 2000, though it has not yet been enacted.
Its announcement and enactment will create powerful, history-making changes for the entire world.

Changes will begin in the United States. These are just a few of the reforms NESARA will bring:

Erases all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
Abolishes the IRS and all income tax
Creates a 14% flat rate nonessential-new-items-only sales tax as revenue for the government — food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as older homes
Increases benefits to seniors
Returns constitutional law to all courts and legal matters
Requires new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement
Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
Creates a new US Treasury rainbow currency — one backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933
Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation
Begins a new US Treasury bank system in alignment with Constitutional law
Eliminates the Federal Reserve system
Ends all aggressive US government military actions worldwide
Establishes Peace throughout the world — US troops will be brought home from around the world as Peace is declared; in alignment with the Constitution, there will be No standing armies, and that will be permanently observed
Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
Enables the release of thousands of suppressed technologies currently being withheld from the public under the guise of national security — this includes free energy devices, antigravity devices, and sonic healing machines [6,000 technologies will be released initially, followed by the release of more than 60,000 technologies]

Tell everyone you know! The more we raise awareness about NESARA, the sooner it happens.

Please sign the petition to get NESARA announced and enacted:

The Collective: Greetings, dear ones!

We are pleased to speak with you on matters concerning the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, called NESARA law.

First, understand that many in the western world have been taught to think of NESARA in terms of money alone.

Though financial Abundance is a great blessing, NESARA is far more than a matter of monies disbursed to Lightworkers and others working on behalf of humanity and the higher good of the Earth.

It is far more than weapons put down, wars ended, the planet’s climate stabilized, debt erased, illness and hunger ended, aggressions dissolved.

It is more than space travel, and development of higher abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis. 

It is even more than the opportunity for humankind to finally be free of the shackles of many centuries of oppressive rule from usurpers and warmongers.

NESARA is all of that, yet it is far more than all of that, because it is about Ascension.

NESARA is about Divine Government, not because that is the cure to all ills, but because that is humanity’s way of finally permitting the freedoms, the sovereignty of all beings, to fully occur on this planet.

It is a powerfully conscious step forward into fifth dimensional living.

This plan first began in the United States, with St Germain’s original vision of a New Atlantis being rooted in that continent.

The forms created there would then spread throughout the world, as more and more countries saw what was possible for a free society—and as increasing levels of Light spread throughout human consciousness.

The United States was never originally intended to be a place of the mass murder of millions of Native peoples, mass slavery of millions of Africans, and the mass incarceration and enforced poverty of millions in the present day.

It was meant to be, as some envisioned in the seventeenth century, a City on a Hill—a sign to all nations that human sovereignty—human dignity—could indeed be established in ways that no government, no usurper, no king or queen, and no “foreign” or off-world invader could displace.

That dream was put to one side, when the old powers-that-were succeeded in bribing, threatening, or assassinating those safeguarding the original ideals of those following and supporting St Germain.

(Yes, St Germain was present in the United States in her early years, and as an immortal, is present there still.)

Yet this great vision has never died.

It comes to fruition through the precepts and provisions of NESARA, brainstormed by a group of 14 highly conscious Congress members and one young state senator from Illinois (Barack Obama), assisted by Faction Three White Knights.

It was passed by Congress in March 2000 due to intervention of the White Knights, headed by Faction Three White Knight leader King of Swords.

It was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton in October 2000.

Yet it has never been fully enacted.

We see many questions coming to our writer concerning NESARA.

The information below seeks to inform and to encourage all to understand that though great sums of money will indeed flow for communities and individuals after NESARA’s enactment, it represents far more than this.

It is first and foremost a spiritual undertaking—Earth’s people actively declaring their sovereignty above all other claims upon them. 

This is unprecedented for a third dimensional planet. It requires great vigilance, and some bravery on your parts.

But you are fully able. And we are by your side, at every moment.

Here is a Question and Answer forum, with our [the Collective’s] answers:


Q: Who are the White Knights, and what do they do?

The Collective: The White Knights comprise 20 million sovereign world militia forces working here on Earth [and answering to the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization], to support Earth’s Ascension and complete liberation from usurper control.

They are the Earth-based portion of the Ashtar Command, answering to Captain Ashtar and Lord Admiral Sananda Kumara. 

Four million come from Earth, and the other 16 million from elsewhere in the Universe — the Galactics (non-Earth-born members) are able to take on the appearance of any Earth human.

The White Knights work solely within the Office of the Christ. (In this context, “Christ” is not used as a modifier for Yeshua’s name, but to indicate crystalline or Lightbody higher consciousness.)

They carry out many different kinds of missions on behalf of the Ashtar Command, in service to humanity and the higher realms. They work tirelessly to support and enable the full enactment of NESARA law.

They do not break ranks in the sense of placating the dark hats in the long run, though they do hide their true identities and missions, as is necessary to ensure their safety and the safe completion of their missions.

There are also numerous “white hats” in government, media, education, medicine, and many other fields.

The white hats are not White Knights, and are not part of Faction Three.

True white hats are simply persons of high ethical standard, conscience, and compassion, who are evolving and wish to support the evolvement and Ascension of Earth and Her people, whether they would describe their work in those terms or not.

Q: Where did the whole “currency reval/GCR” idea come from?

The Collective: The White Knights have reported that the dinar/dong/Zimbabwe scheme was created by the Bush/Clinton crime family and a former US senator in 2004.

This is a very dark scheme, intentionally created as a way to encourage Lightworkers to invest in a currency scheme, in part so that they would view NESARA (there is no GESARA) purely in terms of money. 

Most Lightworkers are unaware that the money invested in those currencies was used to create hedge funds that in turn have funded black operations—covert military attacks—all over the planet.

These actions have killed millions of innocent people, and injured, traumatized, and left homeless millions more.

These occur in places where the old power crowd are highly motivated to keep the local population in fear and chaos, such as the Middle East.

Millions have purchased dinars, dongs, or Zimbabwes, believing the false channelings on numerous disinformation websites, which stated that those currencies could be traded in, once NESARA was enacted, and that those holding those currencies would then become millionaires.

Yet in so doing, they support and enter the energies of a very dark scheme, highly damaging to any participant’s energies and consciousness.

Those currencies were marked both etherically and physically so that when Lightworkers came forward to trade in their dinars, dongs, or Zimbabwes after a false “reval” announcement, they would be spotted immediately, arrested, and detained.

That plan has now been stopped by the Faction Three White Knights, though the dark intent behind the currency scheme is still in place.

Understand that all currencies will be equal to one another after NESARA is fully enacted.

And that NESARA will be a fifth dimensional moment, not an “elevated” or “revised” third dimensional moment.

This is what so many have yet to grasp, because they do not dare allow themselves to envision that far and that high.

Those holding these currencies unwittingly belong to a dark etheric matrix that is draining them of their life force.

We powerfully encourage all holding these currencies to immediately trade them in, or to burn them.

There will be plentiful Abundance once NESARA is announced.

Leaves yourselves open to that very high and joyful moment.


Q: I am a newbie to NESARA and GESARA. If NESARA cancels all credit debt, mortgages, car loan debt, etc., how old does a debt have to be in order for it to be dissolved?

Also, don’t you think there will be a lot of sadness and confusion for the people who have worked hard all their life to get out of debt, then NESARA comes along and doesn’t benefit the people who were loyal and paid their bills?

I think there will be a lot of upset people. Help me understand what NESARA really means.

The Collective: 

Thank you for these excellent questions!

First, GESARA cannot exist, except under a “one world government,” and you are not going toward that notion. You are going away from it, into complete human freedom and sovereignty.

Second, it matters not whether a debt is 10 minutes old or 90 years old—the banks and credit institutions will be all dissolved under NESARA, as will the entire system of debt as you know it, and replaced by a fair and equality-based system of precious metals-backed currencies.

Only personal loans—money borrowed from a friend or family member, for example—will need to be repaid.

Regarding those who worked hard and paid their bills—that was their choice, to engage in and support the current financial system.

That was their individual path and experience. Another’s path, and another’s choices, have nothing to do with anyone else’s path.

Most have followed the current system because they have had no idea that any other system could be created.

They have lived numerous Earth lives under a dark and heavy matrix that has steadily informed them that debt slavery is the only existing reality, and that they endanger their lives or quality of life by not obeying it.

There is a far higher perspective from which to view human life, rather than the perspective that “others do not deserve, because I have worked harder than them.”

All benefit from NESARA, if they are in the Light, or choose to come into the Light.

And NESARA is far more than money and debts dissolved.

As we note above, it is about human sovereignty, and the move as a planet into fifth dimensional consciousness.

Under that Unity-based ideal, there is no need for competition or the feeling that some have it unfairly easy while others have it unfairly hard.

All such comparisons fall to the wayside, except for those who prefer to remain in the struggle of third dimensional consciousness.


Q: As a Lightworker, I find great comfort in the words of the Collective. I understand and believe them, so I have less fear about what is happening right now.

I have friends who are not there yet. For example, I have a friend who is so kind and smart. She is Jewish and quite afraid.

I want to comfort her or give her reason to hope, but if I tell her, “Don’t worry, it’s just part of the Ascension,” she’ll think I’m crazy.

Or maybe I should? My question is, What can we tell our friends who aren’t aware of the Ascension process? How can we comfort them?

The Collective: 

Another excellent question!

We would say, that telling someone something you have experienced as Truth can be helpful, but is in no way as effective, powerful, or impressive a statement as simply allowing them to see how joyfully you yourself are living your life.

If you are at peace, if you know that all is well, even given the current apparent turbulence in world events, if you yourself are radiating the joy of not only NESARA but of fifth dimensional life—then others cannot help but notice.

They will then ask to know how it is that you are so self-assured, so fulfilled, so aware of abundance and constantly thankful for it, including the fact that all on the planet is moving steadily toward greater joy and peace.

You might forward one of our channeling emails to friends from time to time, if you feel they are open to such.

But in general, sending Light from your heart to theirs, and simply telling them inwardly, “All is well,” is a beautiful gift.

That, and the gift of your own joyful, generous, kind, and loving presence.

This is what you yourself value.

And so, merely share it with others, as much as you can, and as much as they are willing to accept.


NESARA will apply first to the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia, followed by groups of other countries until it spreads throughout the world.

NESARA’s precepts and provisions will be modified so as to be culturally relevant and fair to every nation and every culture, so that all peoples throughout the world have all the Abundance and the human rights and freedoms that fifth dimensional living requires.

Again — from that time on, all currencies will be equal to one another.

Again, we encourage all to consider that NESARA law’s full enactment as not a thing to be “waiting for,” but as something to daily envision, give thanks for, and celebrate as if it were already announced.

This speeds the completion of all steps to create it fully in your midst.

You came to be powerful co-Creators, not hapless recipients of someone else’s idea of how you should live.

NESARA is about just that sort of empowerment—behold it fully, and live it fully, dear ones!

We are with you, always.



Note from the Channeler:

For on-the-ground information and real, uncensored news that is not controlled by the media corporations, go to and start reading the Notes from the shows, or listening to the news updates on the replays.

The RADIO PROGRAMS tab show days and times of their BBS Radio shows, so you can hear them live and call in on the conference line to ask questions.

The website belongs to White Knight Rama Berkowitz, who is working under the Ashtar Command.

Rama is the only White Knight who is not under a gag order regarding NESARA.

Unlike every White Knight working in media or government (and there are many), he was not forced to sign a gag order that states that the individual cannot speak about NESARA in public.

Now is the time to learn Earth’s true history, as well as the truth behind current events.

The twice monthly “Ashtar Legacy” conference calls are likewise amazing sources of truthful information.

It’s time for Lightworkers to step up and find truthful, Light-filled information for themselves.

The time for being spoon fed information from limited or untrustworthy sources is over.

We create NESARA’s enactment by envisioning it daily—getting the feeling of the reality of it within us, and celebrating and giving thanks, as though it were already here.

As the Collective say, “That is the creation formula for this Universe.”

Remember the great Hopi prophecy: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

Copyright 2016-2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this page.  Thank you.


The Heavens Smile,

The Earth Celebrates,

The Morning Stars

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“THANK YOU, UNIVERSE, for the gift of NESARA!

We are finally free!”

– Margot Barth

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