Saturday, April 27, 2024

Study finds significant increase in cancer mortality after mass vaccination of 3rd dose of mRNA

Study Finds ‘Significant Increase’ in Cancer Mortality After Mass Vaccination With 3rd COVID Dose

Numerous mechanisms may explain how mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may be linked to increased cancer deaths.
Study Finds ‘Significant Increase’ in Cancer Mortality After Mass Vaccination With 3rd COVID Dose
Megan Redshaw
By Megan Redshaw, J.D.

Researchers observed “statistically significant increases” in mortality rates of all cancers, especially estrogen-related cancers, following mass vaccination with the third mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, according to a recent paper.

The study, published on April 8 in Cureus, evaluated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on age-adjusted mortality rates for 20 different types of cancer in Japan using official statistics on death, SARS-CoV-2 infections, and vaccination rates. The researchers made a startling discovery: There were no excess cancer deaths in Japan during the first year of the pandemic, but they observed a rise in cancer mortality coinciding with mass vaccination.

Japan has the highest vaccination rates, and is now conducting mass vaccinations with a seventh vaccine dose. According to the researchers, after mass vaccination began in 2021, there was a noticeable increase in cancer mortalities coinciding with the first and second COVID-19 vaccine doses.

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Following vaccination with a third mRNA vaccine dose in 2022, researchers observed “significant excess mortalities” for all cancers and specifically estrogen and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα)-sensitive cancers, including ovarian, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers. Notably, breast cancer had a “significant deficit mortality” in 2020 but shifted to excess mortality in 2022 following the rollout of the third vaccine dose.

Other than pancreatic cancer, which was steadily rising before the pandemic, the other five types of cancers were on a downward trend. Still, all six types of cancers exceeded predicted mortality values in 2021, 2022, or during both years.

Additionally, four types of cancers associated with the most deaths—lung, colorectal, stomach, and liver cancers—were declining before the 2020 pandemic. However, the rate of decline slowed after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Significant Shift in Excess Mortality

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, from 2010 to 2019, researchers observed decreasing mortality trends for people of all ages except those aged 90 and over. Even in 2020, researchers continued to see declining mortality rates in most age groups except for those aged 75 to 79.

In 2021, trends slowly shifted toward excess mortality, which continued to increase in 2022 for almost all age groups. The study found that in 2021, there was a significant excess mortality for all causes of 2.1 percent, and 1.1 percent for all cancers. In 2022, excess all-cause mortality jumped to 9.6 percent and to 2.1 percent for all cancers.

According to the study, the number of deaths from all cancers was highest in the 80 to 84 age group, of which more than 90 percent had received a third vaccine dose. Nearly 100 percent of vaccines administered were mRNA vaccines, with Pfizer’s vaccine accounting for 78 percent and Moderna’s for 22 percent

The researchers said that although cancer mortality could be attributed to fewer cancer screenings and restricted access to health care during lockdowns, it doesn’t explain the significant increases in mortality observed for the six specific types of cancer in 2022 when restrictions on health care access to cancer screens or treatments seemed to have resolved.

“These particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown,” they wrote.

Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said the study provides compelling epidemiological evidence of a link between the rise in the prevalence of several cancers and the administration of multiple COVID-19 vaccines.

“I have long suspected a cancer link to the vaccines just based on the science of immunology,” Ms. Seneff told The Epoch Times in an email. “What I think is happening, broadly speaking, is that the vaccine is causing impairment of the innate immune response, which leads to an increased susceptibility to any infection, increased autoimmune disease, and accelerated cancer progression.”

How mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Link to Cancer

The study’s authors suggest numerous ways that COVID-19 vaccines may contribute to the growth and progression of cancer.

mRNA Vaccines and Estrogen-Sensitivity

In the study, age-adjusted mortality rates for estrogen and ERα-sensitive cancers significantly increased beyond the predicted rates, especially in 2022. Research shows the spike protein specifically binds to ERα and upregulates its transcriptional activity. This can affect how the body responds to cancer and its growth.

In a 2020 study published in Translational Oncology, researchers found the S2 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein strongly interacts with cancer suppressor genes p53, BRCA1, and BRCA2 that are frequently mutated in cancer. According to the Cureus study, impaired BRCA1 activity is associated with an increased risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers in women and prostate cancer in men. It also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. BRCA2 is associated with breast and ovarian cancer in women, prostate and breast cancer in men, and acute myeloid leukemia in children.

Biodistribution of Lipid Nanoparticles

Studies show that lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in mRNA vaccines can be widely distributed to various organs after vaccination, including the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, ovaries, and bone marrow, where they produce spike proteins that persist in the body and increase susceptibility to infection.
In an August 2023 paper published in Proteomics Clinical Applications, researchers found fragments of vaccine-specific recombinant spike protein in the blood specimens of 50 percent of vaccine recipients three to six months later. For comparison with natural SARS-CoV-2 infection, viral spike proteins were only detected in blood serum for 10 to 20 days, even in those with severe disease. The same study suggests spike protein may be integrated or retranscribed into some cells.
A November 2021 study in The Journal of Immunology found exosomes expressing spike protein 14 days after vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. A spike protein increase was observed four months following the second vaccine dose and increased with booster doses.

Modification With N1-Methyl-Pseudouridine

Current COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain pseudouridine-modified mRNA, which attenuates or alters the activity of key proteins called toll-like receptors that prevent tumors from forming and growing. Modified mRNA with N1-methyl-pseudouridine can also cause the body to produce large amounts of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. According to the study, mRNA vaccines inhibit essential immunological pathways and impair early interferon signaling, affecting spike protein synthesis and negatively impacting immune activation.
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A paper published on April 5 in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules found that modification with N1-methyl-pseudouridine causes immune suppression and could aid cancer development. Evidence showed adding 100 percent of N1-methyl-pseudouridine to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while nonmodified mRNA vaccines yielded opposite results.

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement

Another theory put forward by the paper’s authors is that multiple vaccinations may expose an individual to viral- and vaccine-generated spike protein and enhance susceptibility to COVID-19 through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), immune imprinting, and immunosuppression. ADE is a phenomenon that occurs when antibodies enhance virus entry and replication in cells.

Thrombogenic Effects of Spike Protein and LNPs

Research suggests that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose a risk of thrombosis in individuals with cancer and might explain the excess mortalities after mass vaccination.

“It is reasonable to assume that additional thrombus-forming tendency noted with the mRNA-LNP vaccine could be extremely dangerous,” the authors wrote.

According to the study, viral and vaccine SARS-CoV-2 spike protein have solid electropositive potential that could attach to electronegative glycoconjugates on the surfaces of red blood cells and other cells. The spike protein can also bind to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which activates the immune system, causing vascular wall thickening, impaired mitochondrial function, and reactive oxygen species (ROS).

ROS are highly reactive radicals, ions, or molecules with a single unpaired electron in their outermost shell of electrons. Cancer cells contain high levels of ROS due to metabolic activity, oncogene activity, mitochondrial dysfunction, and other immune processes. Specific segments of the spike protein may also cause amyloid formation (fibrous insoluble tissue) and anti-spike protein antibodies may bind to S-proteins that emerge on cellular surfaces, triggering an autoimmune inflammatory response.

Suppression of Cancer Immunosurveillance

According to the paper, COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to suppress the immune system, leading to the reactivation of latent viruses associated with cancer, such as varicella-zoster virus and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8). HHV8 is considered an oncogenic virus that can lead to Kaposi’s sarcoma. Reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus or human papillomavirus could lead to oropharyngeal cancers.
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“These phenomena could also help explain the excess deaths from lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer in 2022 when mass vaccination with third and later doses was underway,” the authors wrote.

Reverse Transcription of RNA Into DNA

Reverse RNA transcription in COVID-19 vaccines may explain increases in cancer mortality. Reverse transcription allows mRNA to be transformed into DNA that affects the human genome.
A 2022 study published in Current Issues in Molecular Biology showed that mRNA vaccines can integrate into human genes or DNA through reverse transcription. A February 2023 paper published in Medical Hypotheses found that accumulating vaccine mRNA and reverse-transcribed DNA molecules in cytoplasm could potentially induce chronic autoinflammation, autoimmunity, DNA damage, and cancer in susceptible individuals.
Genetic researcher Kevin McKernan also found that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can potentially be reverse-transcribed into DNA, as reported by The Epoch Times. Although his research was not peer-reviewed, Mr. McKernan detected the COVID-19 vaccine spike protein sequence in two types of chromosomes in cancer cell lines in the breasts and ovaries following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.

Researcher Hélène Banoun, with the French Institute of Health and Medical Research, told The Epoch Times that the findings of the paper published in Cureus, are consistent with her understanding of the carcinogenic danger of gene therapy products.

“Kevin McKernan says that he has found a correlation between the adverse effects caused by certain batches of vaccine and the amount of contaminating DNA, so it’s consistent. And you also have to take into account the immunotolerance induced by modified RNAs, which will facilitate cancer,” she said.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.” The paper’s authors suggest the FDA’s guidelines are essential to Japan, as the country based its special emergency use authorization on FDA approval during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Megan Redshaw is an attorney and investigative journalist with a background in political science. She is also a traditional naturopath with additional certifications in nutrition and exercise science.

Thursday, April 25, 2024


Clinton Foundation Announces $1B for Adrenochrome Research

April 01, 2024

By: Anderson Cooper

The Clinton Foundation, in its mission to improve global public health and economic opportunity, today announced a monumental $1 billion donation to UR to support adrenochrome research.

The donation –– one of the first of its kind –– will transform the nation’s understanding of adrenochrome’s potential for anti-aging and brain-maximizing properties. 

“Our ultimate goal is to prolong the mission of the Clinton Foundation,” former President Bill Clinton said outside of the office headquarters. “I had first heard of adrenochrome years ago, but was unaware of the health benefits until much more recently. I think Hillary was the one to really sell me on the potential, and from there it was a no-brainer.”

Adrenochrome is produced through the body’s oxidation of adrenaline, and was previously the subject of schizophrenia research before the public caught wind of its use among the wealthy for life extension and supernatural energy formation.. 

“It was pretty niche for a while, but adrenochrome was always somewhat popular among our upper-class clientele,” said Comet Ping Pong founder James Alefantis. “Ozempic is the miracle drug everyone’s talking about, but how else do you think Prince Philip held off death for so long?” 

The endowment is set to change the nature of anti-aging treatment, and it was bestowed with the hopes of making the production of adrenochrome more efficient, a major goal of donors as well as of the Clinton Foundation. 

“This makes things much easier on us, trust me,” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarked. “Believe me, you don’t know how much I’ve been craving this.”

Cooper is a Vanderbilt nepotism baby.


Dam Funny: A Review of “Hundreds of Beavers” – North America’s Largest Rodent Takes Center Stage

By BRYAN BURKE on Apr 21, 2024
Our protagonist awakes in shoulder-deep snow. He is alone, without any worldly possessions. His applejack business is as good as gone.


UR softball defeats St. Lawrence, Skidmore, and splits with RPI

By AENEAS WOLF on Apr 21, 2024
Gorecki opened the scoring in the first inning by doubling down the left field line, scoring Laygo from third.


Bader-Gregory and Lopez to lead SA

Sophomore Elijah Bader-Gregory, current SA vice president, will serve as SA president next year after beating first-year Sammy Randle III…

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Customers report missing deposits from their Wells Fargo accounts

  • CNN) — Wells Fargo is dealing with a technical issue that has resulted in customers reporting that their direct deposits had disappeared from their bank accounts.

On Thursday, a torrent of customers contacted Wells Fargo via Twitter, now officially branded as ‘X,’ claiming they could not access money that they deposited into the bank. One person tweeted that he had been hit with an overdraft fee after money went missing from his account.

It was unclear how widespread the problem was Thursday night. Wells Fargo did not immediately respond to CNN’s request for comment, but the company’s customer service Twitter account confirmed that the bank’s technical teams are working on a fix.

“Our technical teams are aware and are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible,” the bank has tweeted in response to multiple customer complaints. Wells Fargo’s customer service has yet to say exactly when it expects to resolve the issue.

This isn’t the first time Wells Fargo customers have faced this particular technical glitch. In March, Wells Fargo confirmed that some customer’s direct deposits were not showing up but that their accounts “continue to be secure,” according to an NBC News report.


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Friday, August 4, 2023


Thursday, June 15, 2023

hardware hacking to bypass BIOS passwords

Hardware Hacking to Bypass BIOS Passwords


This article serves as a beginner’s hardware hacking journey, performing a BIOS password bypass on Lenovo laptops. We identify what the problem is, how to identify a vulnerable chip, how to bypass a vulnerable chip, and finally, analyse why this attack works and ways that it can be prevented. 

In rolling out new consultant laptops at CyberCX, several Lenovo laptops were retired from primary business use. The process involves wiping each device and deciding if the hardware still operates correctly. If the hardware is still workable, then it can be added to the pool of available devices for research or specific jobs that require an additional laptop. However, in this instance, most of our internal team had conveniently forgotten their BIOS passwords. BIOS passwords are designed to prevent unauthorized access to the hardware systems and their configuration. However, when these passwords are forgotten or misplaced, it can mean the inability to perform device wiping or hardware changes. 

If you have not already, I would highly recommend including capturing BIOS passwords as part of the laptop setup process (it is in ours now). 

As we did not want to waste the hardware, I started investigating how to get around the BIOS password for these Lenovo laptops. 

It should be an easy fix, right? 

An old approach to resetting the BIOS would be to remove the coin cell battery and wait 5-10 minutes. This resets the BIOS configuration to factory defaults. This may have worked previously; however, on modern systems the configuration is stored in non-volatile storage on the motherboard. A different approach would need to be taken with these laptops. 

A vulnerability identified with the BIOS of these laptops is that the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) is separate from the BIOS chip itself. This means that if we can intercept or interrupt this communication, then the prompt for a BIOS password may be bypassed. This vulnerability is publicly well known; the best writeup I have found is an article by David Zou (Zou, 2016). My research intends to build on this work in order to allow CyberCX to repurpose these retired laptops. 

How to Identify Vulnerable Chips? 

As mentioned previously, the Lenovo laptops that were being retired have a separate BIOS chip to where the BIOS settings are stored. This setup is not unique to Lenovo as other manufacturers have the same implementation problem. 

For Lenovo laptop motherboards, the EEPROM is an 8-Pin Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP). This can come in several configurations, as shown in Figure 1. 


A picture containing electronic component, circuit component, passive circuit component, electronics

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 Figure 1 ABLIC Inc. (Eeprom_fig051, 2013) 

Looking carefully at each chip on the laptop motherboard allows us to identify several SOP, TSSOP, and TMSOP-8 packages. The way that the EEPROM communicates is over the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C or I2C) protocol. The pinout diagram shown below (Figure 2) is for the TSSOP, however the pinout remains the same for each of the EEPROM packages. 


8-pin Serial EEPROM Pins

 Figure 2 Zou, D. (8pinEEPROM, 2016) 


Using this information we will identify the BIOS EEPROM on a Lenovo laptop, then perform an attack against the Serial Clock (SCL) and Serial Data (SDA) pins to modify or interrupt the communication.


How to Bypass BIOS Password? 

The volunteer in this instance is a Lenovo L440, as shown already torn down in Figure 3. 

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 Figure 3 Lenovo L440 Laptop Target 


To perform a successful attack against the BIOS password of this laptop the following process will be followed:  

  1. Locate the correct EEPROM chip. 
  2. Locate the SCL and SDA pins. 
  3. Short the SCL and SDA pins at the right time. 

On the Lenovo L440 there were three chips that kind of fit the package and pinout criteria we are looking for. 

The easiest way to identify if the chip is a candidate is to search for the serial number and the word EEPROM. Often it will be quickly obvious if the chip is or is not an EEPROM based off the search results. However, it should be noted that many manufacturers do not put the actual serial number in place. They all have their own standards and versioning systems, which can make the process of identifying components difficult. The following figures show three candidates identified on the Lenovo L440 that could be the EEPROM we are looking for.


A close-up of a circuit board

 Figure 4 Possible Candidate #1 An 8-Pin SOP 



Figure 5 Possible Candidate #2 An 8-Pin TSSOP 


 A close-up of a circuit board

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Figure 6 Possible Candidate #3 An 8-pin TMSOP 


The first candidate (Figure 4) has the serial MXIC MX 25L6473E, which appears to be a 64 MB Flash CMOS. So, while part of the BIOS, is not the chip we are looking for. 

The second candidate (Figure 5) has the serial 4835D AC W56C, which appears to be a metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) of some sort. Useful for power delivery and smoothing but not for storing data. 

The third candidate (Figure 6) has the serial L08-1 XH and appears to be the EEPROM we are looking for. This is where the configuration is stored by the BIOS. 

For those looking close enough, I did originally perform this attack against the wrong chip. The ground pin of the 64 MB Flash CMOS was the unlucky victim in the process, the laptop still powers on and works, though. 

A quick demo of the attack working is shown below, this is performed on a Lenovo X230, but the same attack process still applies.



I identified the EEPROM as shown in the top right. I can get into guest mode of the BIOS without knowing the password, but no changes can be made. 

Remember, we are interested in the SCL and SDA pins. All we will need to do is short these at the correct time and they will bypass the password prompt. 

As you can see in the demo, I power the laptop on, then I use the ‘elite’ technique of jamming a small screwdriver across the SCL and SDA pins to short them until entering the BIOS. 

An interesting note is you could bypass the password, make changes to the BIOS, for example change the boot drive, and then not perform the short on next boot. You could then load into a new OS, do what you need to do, then re-short the pins again, changing the setting back. This still leaves the existing password in the EEPROM so a victim’s laptop would not have any evidence of tampering.


Why does this attack work? 

Let us dig further into why this attack works. The first thing to do is to hook up the SCL and SDA pins to an oscilloscope. The model I used is shown in Figure 7.

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 Figure 7 Siglent SDS 1202X-E Oscilloscope 


The first attempt at connecting the EEPROM chip failed as the smallest TSSOP 8-pin clip that we had in the workshop was too big (indicating that this is either a smaller version, or a TMSOP). This issue is shown in Figure 8. 


Figure 8 8-pin TSSOP Clip 


However, our workshop has acquired a PCBite set that allows probing the tiniest of pins on a board. Figure 9 shows just how small these “legs” are of the EEPROM. 

 Figure 9 PCBite Pins attached to the EEPROM. 


Figure 10 shows the pinout mapped to the EEPROM on the motherboard. 


Figure 10 Showing the pin layout of the identified chip. 


With the correct pins now hooked up to the oscilloscope, we can attempt to view the communication between the BIOS and the EEPROM when booting. 

It had been a very long time since I had used an oscilloscope; I found the following from Siglent to be useful for getting the correct configuration. Additionally, the model of oscilloscope we have in the workshop supposedly comes with automatic serial communication decoding! 

These two videos from Siglent and MyVanitar helped setup and understand how to configure each setting to be able to read the correct information. 

(Siglent Technologies, 2017) 

(MyVanitar, 2020) 

Additionally, the following specifications are from a Mouser datasheet that match the EEPROM chip we are attacking. 


Figure 11 Snippet from Microchip (2003) Datasheet 


The Bus Characteristics description includes the following definition for the communication protocol which can explain our attack. “Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not busy” (Microchip, 2003). Along with the Bus not Busy definition, “Both data and clock lines remain high” (Microchip, 2003). 

Additionally, the datasheet provides a visual representation of the communication protocol. The start and stop mechanism: the BIOS would perform a start command, send the data, then send a stop signal to signify the end of communication. 


Figure 12 Start/Stop (Microchip, 2003) 


What should be noted here is that the BIOS requires the start signal or the laptop will not boot. This is why we cannot just short the pins before turning the laptop on. 

Looking at the output of our fancy oscilloscope in the following figure, we can see that the start signal is sent approximately 5.32 microseconds after the power button has been pressed. It should be noted that for the oscilloscope readings, the yellow line is SCL (Clock), and the purple line is SDA (Data) unless stated otherwise.



Figure 13 Output of oscilloscope showing start signal. 


From the figure we can see the start condition happening and then the first 0x06 DATA Write operation. Notice the time difference here: 5.3 microseconds from power on, the first operation happens, then a read and write, then nothing until about 6 milliseconds after the power has been turned on. 

This initial power on appears to be the BIOS performing a check on the EEPROM. As discussed earlier this check must happen, otherwise the BIOS will prevent the system from booting any further. This prevents us from shorting the EEPROM pins before the power is applied. 


Figure 14 Oscilloscope View when pins are shorted. 


Figure 14 shows the view on the oscilloscope once I short the SCL and SDA pins. Note that the timing X axis is out by a bit between the two images. The short happens approximately between the 470 microsecond and 5.8 millisecond points. This shows SDA is low while SCL is high, which according to the protocol description indicates a busy line. 

While testing this bypass, the timing for shorting the pins does not have to be quite this tight. If the pins are shorted slightly later, this still results in a successful bypass. Additionally, the password must be read by the BIOS later in the sequence as the short must remain until entering the BIOS configuration. 

To add to the complexity, some BIOS use the TPM, or encrypt or hash the BIOS password. Every model, even within the same manufacturer, is different and of course this process is not documented. 

In my instance, with the Lenovo laptops, I could not get the Read/Write bytes to repeat (after the Write, Read, Write startup check process). The bytes that were returned did not appear to decode into any discernible format. 

If I had access to the documentation for the communication bytes, or if I read off the entire EEPROM, then it is possible that I may have been able to grab the BIOS password in plaintext. 

 Graphical user interface

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Figure 15 Example of captured Bytes being read from the EEPROM. 


I am almost certain that it is possible to read the data from the EEPROM, possibly I have hooked up something wrong, or used the wrong decoding. We will have to leave that for future research. For now, the bypass works consistently, and we now have a fairly good understanding of why this vulnerability exists.


How can this be prevented? 

When attempting to model this particular threat, it is important to keep in mind that this requires complete physical access for possibly a minimum of a few hours. Additionally, the use of full disk encryption (with a Passphrase and TPM) would prevent an attacker from obtaining data from the laptop’s drive. 

In order to increase the difficulty of this type of attack, manufacturers could include the BIOS and EEPROM packages into one Surface Mount Device (SMD). This would require performing a chip-off attack to intercept the same communications. Some motherboard manufacturers already use this process, either on purpose or unintentionally, for modern or higher-end systems.





Author: Dajne Win – Principal Security Consultant 

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