This is a great overview of mind what's really going on ... Spread the word...
Vatic Note: This below fits well with Vatic Projects ongoing series about Child molestation, sex trafficking internationally, and satanic sex rituals as part of the NWO controllers perceived power base for Mind control subjects and child rearing. We did a blog on Dynacorp & Halliburton involved in these activities in Bosnia when they were basically in control over there.
What I recently discovered in addition to this below was a video interview by David Icke with just such a high level mind control victim and who her handler was, Dr. Mengeles who was in Britain and the US under project paperclip and mind control was one of his specialties. She spills the beans big time. Its an hour or so long video, but well worth the watch. Its the first time an explanation for the elites inhumanity was plausible and credible.
Just one example of the perversion these reptiles engage in, was the fact that her existance, was decided before her mother ever became pregnant with her and they did so for the express purpose of creating a mind control victim from birth. Just look at her face and see the pain and fear embedded in this woman. I believe that struck me more than anything. She has known nothing else since the day she was born. How criminal is that to do to a child. What was really revealing was her attendance to the Queen and royal family ingaging in child ritual sacrifice and drinking the childs blood. How perverted is that? Its so far outside the realm of our understanding, that I doubt it will hit us completely right away, it might taking watching that video several times to fully integrate what we are hearing.
This subject ALONE IS A REASON TO FULLY RESIST THE NWO PLANS THEY HAVE FOR US AND OUR CHILDREN. Try to imagine what a world without ethics, morals, integrity at the very top would be like. Imagine the unfettered access these animals would have to your children or grandchildren. That alone is justification enough to fight these Bast*rds. I include the Khazar British Queen in that justification. I wonder if our forefathers knew about all this and who these royalty really were.
Parts 1 and 3 to this series are listed at the end of the article for your viewing since they are unrelated specifically to this subject.
The Global War on Children, part 2: Predators, the Occult, and Pop Culture
by Paul Adams, JD, Activist Post
It is well documented that global pedophile rings are operated primarily due to demand from rich elitists in positions of power. Cases in Portugal, Austria, France, Chile, Belgium, and Bosnia have all pointed to the involvement of prominent individuals in sex rings, sadomasochistic orgies and even murder.
Many within the global elite are sexual predators that target children. On the morning of June 29, 1989 'Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan,' screamed the front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker 'Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.' The Times reported, 'A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.'
As publicized by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, in the late 1990s, DynCorp whistleblower Ben Johnston stated that supervisors engaged in sex with 12- to 15-year-old children, and sold them to each other as slaves. Ben Johnston ended up fired, and later forced into protective custody. According to Johnston, girls were kidnapped by DynCorp employees from Russia, Romania and other places.
Another DynCorp whistleblower, Kathryn Bolkovac, demonstrated that DynCorp had a $15 million contract to hire and train police officers for duty in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The officers were paying for prostitutes and participating in sex trafficking. Additionally, one of the US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks said that DynCorp workers who were employed to train Afghan policemen took drugs and paid for young 'dancing boys' (child prostitutes) to entertain them.
Like former FBI agent Ted Gunderson, former Georgia senator Nancy Schaefer investigated crimes, abuse, and kidnapping within Georgia’s child protective services. She found that 'Child Protective Services nationwide has become corrupt and that the entire system is broken almost beyond repair. I am convinced parents and families should be warned of the dangers.' For her efforts to protect children, Nancy and her husband were 'suicided,' much like DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey who provided escorts to U.S. senators.
The Franklin Cover-Up, involved government drug smuggling, money laundering, child kidnapping and recruiting boys from orphanages in the Midwest for sex with U.S. Congressmen. Ted Gunderson also gave speeches exposing the CIA and international child trafficking.
Recently another elitist pedophile ring has been exposed with the bust of 44-year-old mother of four Anna Gristina, charged with running a prostitution ring out of a New York apartment that relied on police protection to provide wealthy clients with minors for sexual encounters.
Until recently, Goldman Sachs owned a 16 percent stake in Village Voice media, which owns, possibly the largest forum for sex trafficking of under-age girls in the United States. Backpage has 70% of the market for prostitution ads, according to AIM Group, a trade organization. When a journalist reported this information, Goldman Sachs frantically unloaded its shares.
Pop Culture Perversion Attack on Children
The children of the world are being attacked and degraded by the mainstream media and entertainment, which is almost entirely controlled by only six corporations.
Madonna’s recent occult Superbowl half-time show and Nikki Minaj’s black mass satanic ritual at the 2012 Grammy Awards was only the tip of the iceberg.
According to the research of Fritz Springmeier and many others, Disney truly is the 'magic kingdom,' that is occult magic. Walt Disney was a 33° Freemason and an Illuminist who worked with government to program children. That’s why Disney’s exclusive club is named Club 33. Behind the cartoons, magazines, movies etc., is a hidden agenda to condition children's minds. Disney's production over the years is filled with Masonic symbolism, occultism, mind control and indoctrination. Disney prepares our younger generations for the New World Order, and introduces them to sorcery (black magic) as being a something good.
Disney is known to place subliminal messages in its films and for sexualizing children. What are Madonna, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Anna Nicole Smith telling us?
Disney is not alone. Lifetime channel's Dance Moms recently asked its child contestants, the youngest of whom is just eight-years-old, to dress in nude bikinis and perform a burlesque routine on stage. The raunchy dance moves are usually the domain of striptease experts, the X-rated acts brimming with nudity, nipple tassels and sexually explicit poses. A clip from the show reveals dance teacher Abby Lee Miller dressing the children in tan bikinis to give the audience the impression of full nudity, before asking them to act as if a man 'cant' afford' them.
Similar to occult movie blockbusters Harry Potter and Twilight, The Hunger Games amounts to a satanic ritual for teens. In the movie, twenty-four teens must enter gladiatorial games to torture and kill each other. The victors are paraded throughout the country. Parents of murdered children must salute the victors; the murderers of their children. The victor's families are moved into nice houses and are wealthy for the remainder of their lives. The families of the murdered children receive nothing.
As exposed by the documentary, They Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll, many of the nation’s top music stars practice the Satanism of Alister Crowley and/or Anton Lavey.
The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Marilyn Manson, The Eagles, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Eminem, Snoop Dog, Ozzy Osborne, AC/DC and many more have ties to Satanism. These artists knowingly corrupt children by encouraging them to engage in drug and alcohol use, promiscuity, and other life destroying actions.
Vigilant Citizen has documented countless examples of the media targeting and manipulating children through movies, television, advertising and music.
Hollywood constantly produces horror movies to invoke fear in children, knowing that fear is the opposite of love. We labor hard to earn money and then waste it on letting our kids watch Saw, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Scream and the like.
These movies destroy our minds and souls as we entertain ourselves seeing others tortured, maimed, toyed with and killed.
Our children have become obese by playing video games rather than enjoying outdoors activities. A recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology concluded that violent video games desensitized players to violent imagery. Further testing showed that subjects who played games like Killzone or Grand Theft Auto showed more aggressive behavior against opponents.
However, extremely aggressive individuals that have been desensitization to violence likely make great soldiers and Predator drone controllers, which the globalists need to bomb unsuspecting children in Pakistan.
Violence toward children is rising, as the violence that children are exposed to through media is also increasing. It is a recipe for creating a culture that is obsessed with themes of extinction. Could it be that this is exactly the plan that elites are attempting to fulfill?
Paul Adams is your humble servant
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Other articles in this series:
Part 1: Physical and Mental Health Assault
Part 3: Culling the Human Race
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