Sunday, October 28, 2012

Secret CIA Training Facility Found in North Carolina

October 10th, 2012 Use sic erat scriptum as necessary when reading this piece. I thought it was worth mentioning because it describes a recent cut out operation. Via: Atlantic Wire: One of the reasons U.S. Navy SEALs were able to so skillfully execute the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound last year was a CIA training facility in North Carolina that mirrored the architecture of bin Laden’s actual compound in Pakistan. In 2011, during those crucial months that SEAL Team Six trained there, it was one of the most secretive facilities on U.S. soil. Now, for the first time, the facility has been revealed on Bing’s satellite map service during a phase when it was under construction. More: Cryptome: Osama bin Laden Compound Raid Mock-up

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