I do not yet know how the perpetrators of the electronic and mind control assault “hooked” my brain by remote; however, I suspect that I was implanted with a microchip or several microchips over the years. I have had many inoculations, much dental work, and several minor medical procedures performed in various locations. Locating the microchips is a major problem, for they can be inserted in any part of the body, either only slightly below the surface of the skin or very deep into the muscle tissue. I have determined that there are probably nineteen or twenty locations on and in my body where microchips could have been implanted.
Not being able to pin down the location makes finding the devices much more difficult. In addition, if doctors know that a victim wants an x-ray, CT Scan, or MRI to look for a microchip, they will not write orders for those searches. In fact, they will ordinarily advise the authorities of your purpose in wanting those pictures, in effect suggesting that you are paranoid schizophrenic.
As the reader will later see, whatever method was used to “hook” my brain had been employed in my case perhaps by the early- or mid-1970s and no later than the mid-1980s. More recently, I have recalled conditions and events that indicate that I could have been targeted even in the early 1960s. If the latter date proves correct, it would probably implicate the military doctors and other military medical personnel who gave me shots and inoculations when I served in the Active Army Reserves in 1961. I used to wonder how our U.S. rescue forces were able locate lost servicemen who had become separated from their units during a battle. The capability of locating those disoriented troops suggests that all servicemen are routinely microchipped upon entry.
Theories of Methods Used in ESMC
We know that electronic and mind control assault operates by remote, but we know little about its delivery system. The delivery has to be either satellite-driven, land-based, or a combination of the two. The debate about which one it is goes on. Likewise, there is still some question about whether the delivery system requires a device implanted in the human body or can be delivered without that implanted device.
“Remote” means that some object is used to make contact with the human body over a distance through the air. Whatever is beamed into the body does not waft aimlessly through space but follows a line of trajectory, or a frequency. Anything that makes a sound or a movement creates a frequency. There are thousands, probably millions, of frequencies. Almost anything today can be controlled by remote using particular radio frequencies.
Today remote-controlled objects are also used in guiding satellites and unmanned space ships, sending and operating military spy drones, changing TV functions, opening garage doors, turning on light switches, and working almost any other motorized or electrical object. It would be difficult today for an American to live without remote devices.
Electromagnetism may play a role in the targeting. A field of electromagnetism seems to envelope the target’s surroundings. In my case, it appears to cover my house and the pastures and fields immediately around it, as whenever I am outside, the handlers’ voices, or V2K, come through stronger and clearer. Once again, we do not know whether that electromagnetic field is projected by satellite, from a land site, or from a hidden device in or near the victim’s house. Notwithstanding, what if there were some type device that could make contact with that electromagnetic field that surrounds the target and then operate within that field to attack us along our particular brain frequencies? If that were true, distance would be no object and a person could be pinpointed among several nearby people for electronic assault.
Satellites now possess amazing capabilities, all performed by remote, and they may very well be utilized in electronic assaults and mind control. In a 2003 article called Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance, John Fleming wrote about the use of satellites in ESMC assault. Discussing the realities of satellite-driven ESMC, Fleming said: “The victim’s movements will be known, his conversations heard, his thoughts picked clean, and his whole life subjected to bogus moralizing, should his tormentor diabolically use the information gained. A sadist could harass his target with sound bites, or audio messages, directly broadcast into his room; with physical assault with a laser; with subliminal audio messages that disturb his sleep or manipulate persons around him into saying something that emotionally distresses him . . . .”
The satellite-guided GPS almost certainly figures somehow in the electronic assault and mind control activities. Programs such as Google Earth can locate and zoom in on houses and other objects on maps. That a victim can be targeted regardless of his location and movement argues that a satellite is very likely involved. For a satellite to be able to follow and pinpoint the target wherever he goes, however, probably requires an object, a substance, or a special condition in the target’s body or, as suggested above, a device that can operate within and upon the electromagnetic field around the target. The voices that many targets hear may be piggybacked over the GPS into that electromagnetic field. Targets know that the intelligence community and other agencies possess through-the-wall surveillance capability.
If satellites are used, distance is no object. Our torture could be carried out from other countries just as easily as from the United States. China, India, Israel, Russia, and other countries possess that capability. Consider the use of drones in warfare. Today (November, 2009), the United States often sends drones, or unidentified aerial vehicles (UAVs), to strike targets in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Forward observers identify the target, get permission to call in, and then communicate with the drone operators. Those drones are guided by computer software by remote from facilities in the United States, notably Fort Meade, Maryland, from thousands of miles away through the GPS with pinpoint precision.
The use of satellites, however, does not prove that the attacks come from a great distance. Satellites can also be used along with the GPS from nearby. Handlers who live near targets can utilize satellites and the satellite-driven GPS, using the same devices and methods, just as easily as handlers who operate thousands of miles away. Information concerning weaponry capable of being used by satellite for physical and neurological torture is purposely vague about distances. Eventually we shall know from what range our handlers operate. It will probably vary from case to case. Many targets believe that our electronic harassment comes from U. S. Government facilities near Fairbanks, Alaska called High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or simply HAARP.
This paper does not explore in depth the methods used to zero in on a person body and mind by remote. There are many schools of thought on that subject. Here are some of them.
One theory believes that one’s voice can be recorded, transferred to a computer, and the computer then used to locate the particular voice and lock onto that voice’s brain. Experiments show that that can indeed be done. Voices give off distinct vibrations that are as peculiar to a person as his fingerprints and DNA. One day when the handlers were vibrating me mercilessly, I tensed my throat, and the vibrations stopped.
That caused me to remember an incident that occurred when I served in Africa in the 1980s. One day while working in my office, the secretary from the embassy political section, the office that serves as a front for our CIA agents, called me to ask some question that anyone could have answered. I hardly knew the caller; thus, I instantly realized that the real purpose of her call was to record my voice.
However, I believed that it was probably for security purposes in case of kidnapping or being held hostage at some point. Voices are very distinctive, and they can certainly be used to distinguish one voice from another. That our intelligence community was recording voices in the 1980s makes me believe that there may be some validity to the theory that perpetrators of ESMC may be able to “hook” our brains, or at least determine our locations, by zeroing in on our voices.
Some evidence also suggests that targets’ minds can be “hooked” if the handlers know the targets’ DNA. If that is true, targets would not necessarily have to have a microchip or other object or substance in his body to be hooked. There may be some remote device that with the aid of the GPS will locate a person and “hook” him using his DNA. If DNA can be utilized, society is in deep trouble, for obtaining DNA samples of people is a very simple matter. Even touching a glass or a can will leave useable traces of DNA.
It is reported that since 1979 all hospitals in the United States have been required to send DNA samples of all babies born in the U. S. to the Federal Government. I do not know the office or agency that is supposed to keep that data. If that information is true, it adds credence to DNA perhaps being involved in ESMC.
Still another theory talks about small devices (nano-microchips) made so small that they can fit between molecules of water and other liquids and be injected into the body in shots and inoculations. Patents taken out by scientists describe that very procedure. Those same nano-microchips can probably also be swallowed in food and beverages, attaching themselves to the lining of the stomach.
There is also evidence that even human breath or breathing somehow figures in electronic torture and mind control. Every movement, even breathing, gives off a frequency. I later found out that when I hold my breath for a few seconds, the vibrations temporarily cease. Yet, we do not know whether breathing in itself has any connection with “hooking” a target’s brain. The breathing theory does not explain how a target can be pinpointed while in the close presence of others.
In addition, MRI and other machines have been successfully combined with computers and used by remote along radio frequencies to move digits and limbs, detect emotions, and “detect lying, racism, and even identify which image a person is looking at, suggesting [that] one could visualize scenes from a person’s dreams or memory” (Hospital Soup.com, June 10, 2008). The uses of a device such as that are endless if used on the brain’s wave lengths or frequencies. Yet, those actions require an implant in the person on whom the actions are performed.
Similarly, neurotransmitters can be used by remote to communicate with brain cells through electrical impulses. That device can tap into the brain’s functions that cause body movement, thought, feelings (emotions), and communication. It could probably also influence the thalamus, or the inner part of the brain, which regulates body temperature and controls urges such as eating, sleeping, and sexual behavior, all of which figure among many targets’ ESMC effects.
Laser guns may play a role in ESMC. A CNN news program on February 23, 2009, reported that 148 incidents of lasers aimed at airplanes had already been reported since the beginning of the year. In the last incident, the laser was green in color and about the size of a pencil. If a laser beam can be focused to such a fine point over several miles of distance, imagine what it could do when trained on an individual or an object from a closer distance over a period of time.
Mounting evidence suggests that a substance or an object can also be introduced sexually into a target’s body to “hook” his or her brain. Several of my correspondents mention that their ESMC began after having had an intimate relationship with somebody. Those relationships may have been set-ups. Spies and undercover agents have used sex for centuries to entrap individuals. Some such object (nano-microchips) or substance could possibly be introduced into targets vaginally, orally, or anally through sexual contact.
Some targets believe that the perpetrators’ device enters through the targets’ eyes to carry out the electronic attacks on the targets’ bodies. Presumably that would happen after the targets are already “hooked.” One target whom I know wears professional goggles that she says help keep out the light used by the assailants. Another target also believes that he is attacked using light. He describes the lights as very bright street lamp-type elevated lights that seem to rotate. He believes that his attackers piggyback their laser, or whatever the remote device might be, on the beams of light.
Remote cognitive neural monitoring is one of the most recent theories. That theory has the targets’ minds being located and “hooked” using some type frequency by remote that somehow connects with the brain without anything being implanted in the targets. I believe that theory is pure disinformation, disseminated by the very elements who are carrying out the remote torture. Why do I believe that? Use your brain. If it were that simple to “hook” a person’s brain, all the drug lords and pushers, heads of crime syndicates, crooked politicians, white collar crooks, prostitutes, child porn makers and distributors, foreign and domestic terrorists, bank robbers, embezzlers, money launderers, and other criminals would already have been caught and sent to prison. That has not happened; therefore, in my opinion, that theory, which has caught on in the targeted community and is believed by many targets, is not valid. Let me repeat: remote cognitive neural monitoring, in my opinion, is not a valid theory.
Other theories include wiring in the ear that connects with the brain and pins that penetrate the skull. If those ideas are valid, the procedures would have to be done in medical facilities or at least while the target is under sedation. If true, this further indicts the medical community for its complicity in electronic and mind control assault.
All that said, pick a theory. In truth, we do not yet actually know how high-tech assailants can focus on a single individual and capture that person’s mind; neither do we know what instruments are used in the process. Both are highly guarded secrets shrouded in deception. In fact, there may be several methods of “hooking” the target as well as several methods of administering the electronic and mind control effects. However, the only proven method thus far is through implanted microchips.
Whatever device is used to “hook” the brain, it has the capability of using that system on diverse targets in a variety of circumstances in all types of locations. A super computer necessarily has to be used along with the device, and that computer uses programs with an amazing range of capabilities. Only the government, research institutions, and mega-businesses and organizations would probably be able to own such computers and be able to acquire some of the more sophisticated computer programs. We shall later see some of its capabilities and the effects they have on the human body and mind.
Although I cannot prove it and although I possess little technical expertise, here is what I believe. The attackers use two different methods, one for the V2K and another one for the array of physical effects they are able to cause the body. The V2K is projected to targets via the use of directed sound and GPS, and the physical effects by software used in conjunction with implants. Both require frequencies. However, in my opinion, without an implant, targets cannot receive the continual V2K. There is no way for attackers to focus on targets with V2K regardless of where targets go, even using satellite GPS, without their being some type of object in the human body to receive the signals. I further believe that any other method disseminated over the internet is probably disinformation coming directly from the perps.
Microchips, the Most Plausible Agent for Targeting
The only proven method of “hooking” a target’s brain is through surreptitiously implanting a microchip or a nano-microchip in the target’s body. Scores of patents dealing with microchips in the human body and operated by remote have indeed been filed, many of which, in the wrong hands, could be utilized for electronic abuse. I have read of only two persons who supposedly located microchips in their bodies, had them surgically removed, and then had them identified. My efforts to contact those individuals failed; however, their cases are well documented. I know other targets who have located foreign objects in their bodies but have not been able to find surgeons who would remove them. We know that many forms of microchips have been developed for the human body for many purposes, all of them capable of being controlled by remote.
If indeed microchips turn out to be instrumental in a target’s electronic assault and mind control, it directly implicates the medical profession. Only persons in the medical field, intelligence agents, and perhaps law enforcement are able legally to acquire microchips. Those microchips had to have been implanted at some point by a dentist, a doctor, an anesthesiologist, a nurse, or somebody else in that field unless a target is somehow sedated by a knowledgeable person who implants the microchip. Those cases have indeed occurred.
Since syringes are generally used for the implantations, nurses are particularly suspect in committing that crime. If a doctor, nurse, or another member of the medical profession would implant a microchip in a patient, he would also probably not hesitate, if given orders, to inject that patient with live cancer cells, Hepatitis C, or AIDS. That, of course, does not mean that every doctor and nurse engages in that sordid practice.
I got a letter in early 2010 from the mother of a victim in Scotland who stated that her son was implanted with a microchip while he was in jail. He could later feel the lump where the microchip had been implanted. For months he suffered relentless electronic and neurological attacks. A local doctor later saw the microchip on his scanners and removed it. The victim instantly improved. Afterward, the doctor refused to discuss it with the victim and his mother, telling them that he found nothing.
Targets require some object, substance, or characteristic in their body that will attract frequencies used by their remote attackers. Otherwise, if the electronic and mind control assault is delivered along a frequency, how does the effect distinguish that particular person? A target can receive vibrations while in the presence of other people without the others feeling it. Certain voice inflections and tones of narrators on TV also cause jolts in a target’s body without others sitting nearby feeling them. Something on or about the victim’s body has to act as the receiver for some device that delivers those effects.
Whales, dolphins, sharks, migratory birds, endangered animal species, and other animals, fowl, and reptiles have been fitted with microchips for many years to trace their migratory patterns and monitor their vital signs. If the animals’ blood pressure and other body functions can be monitored by remote, they can also be manipulated by remote. If animals can be “tagged,” humans can also be tagged.
The microchip has been around since the 1970s. Since then, many versions of microchips have been invented and manufactured. One such microchip was invented by Peter Seth Edelstein of Menlo Park, CA and Benjamin Theodore Nordell II of San Mateo, CA and patented on September 5, 2006 under the name Method and Apparatus for Locating and Tracking Persons (Patent No. US 7,102,508 B2).
The patent was sold by the inventors to Persephone, Inc. of Menlo Park, CA. Interestingly, my online search for Persephone turned up very little on that company. It very well may be only a front for Department of Defense contractors who carry out experiments and invent and improve gadgets for the DOD. At any rate, it is not a highly visible organization.
Although the ostensible purpose of the above patented “device” is to locate and track persons who are lost or kidnapped, it lends itself to many more devious and sinister purposes. Descriptions of patents of this type are purposely made very vague; however, reading between the lines, we can glean the following information about that particular patent as it relates to targeted individuals.
– the “device” is indeed a microchip;
– the microchip can be implanted in virtually every part of the human body, even in body cavities (use your imagination);
the microchips serve as both transmitters and receivers;
those microchips are encased in a substance that does not irritate the flesh around them;
– the remote operators [the handlers] use a handheld device, probably a small radio or a cell phone, that in conjunction with cell phone towers “activates” the microchips;
– the users, or handlers, also communicate with each other by cell phone;
– the users do not have to be physically present in a single location to coordinate their efforts but can instead use “conference calls from various locations;”
– the microchips CAN be shut off by the initiators;
– the microchip lasts indefinitely, as it can be continually recharged;
– the microchip’s software can indeed see the target’s body and even the organs inside his body;
– the microchip can be programmed with a vast variety of software that renders many of the physical and neurological effects (the voices, etc.) experienced by targets;
– those effects can be programmed to occur whenever the programmer wishes;
– users/operators of the microchip can monitor several targets at the same time by remote.
Distance was not mentioned in the patent. In the drawing that accompanied the patent, communication is depicted by three cell phone-looking towers. Patents, however, are often written in a vague and misleading manner, especially those patents that can also be used for unethical, intelligence, or military purposes. Thus, the communication system shown could be the triangulation of satellites. The use of satellites would make the patent workable at any distance. Even regular radio frequencies patched from one area to another would allow the handlers to operate from a far distance.
Likewise, the device used to communicate with the microchip was not mentioned specifically. Although the three towers were shown in the figure demonstrating how the patent works, the narrative did not state whether the device was a radio tuner, cell phone, land line phone, or some type of scanner/radio. Moreover, the radio towers may have represented a triangulation of satellites.
The microchip’s computer software determines its effectiveness. By adding new software, the microchip can be adapted by remote to the target’s evolving situation and change in location. Additional software, tailored for the particular target, can be introduced into the microchip by remote at any time. That software can be continually refigured and reprogrammed as necessary, based on the target’s actions and reactions.
To be used in the human body by remote, microchips must have a unique identification (ID) such as a symbol, a number, a word, or a combination of those. There is even some evidence that a target’s DNA profile, or a distinct part of it, may be inscribed on the microchip. The target’s ID has to be known and entered into the handler’s device for a match before it can be contacted by remote. Once the codes are matched on the microchip and the device used by the handlers, the device’s computer software, without which the device is useless, acts through contact with the microchip to carry out its various and many purposes. There must also be a radio frequency to connect the sender to the receiver, becoming an RFID (radio frequency identification), much like that used in store scanners at the check-out counters.
The device used by the handler who operates the device and software must be reasonably small and portable (battery operated). The name of that device is carefully avoided in the patents; however, it will probably be a common or perhaps customized cell phone, a small radio or scanner, laptop computer, or a similar object that has both receiving and transmitting features. Logically, only one handler has use of the computer that controls all the functions of the software on the target through the implanted microchip; otherwise, the computer commands could conflict and negate each other. Nevertheless, other handlers using those handheld devices can doubtlessly locate the target using the device.
The trainer manual doubtlessly instructs the handlers to vary their methods of attack on their targets. Some targets may get the V2K and no neighborhood stalking; others may outwardly receive only the electronic effects, i.e. jolts, vibrations, and pin pricks; still others may get a combination of electronic effects, V2K, and organized physical stalking. That is totally by design, for if the same technique were used on every target, it would be far easier to research that technique, develop shielding for it, and possibly trace it to its origin.
Introduction of the microchip into a target’s body can be performed in a variety of manners: through shots and inoculations, through medical procedures, through tiny projectiles (microscopic darts), and drugging the victim first and then administering the microchip. Apparently many targets are “tagged” using the latter method. Hypnosis often accompanies the act so that the target will not remember being drugged.
Although hidden microchips have been recovered from the bodies of unknowing and involuntary targets, their detection and removal has proven very difficult, as doctors very reluctantly write orders for the use of instruments that can detect those microchips. Moreover, today’s microchips are purposely made too small to detect and with materials designed to conceal them. Regardless of whatever other device(s) and method(s) might be used to perform ESMC on involuntary targets, we know that microchips can be and are used for that purpose.
Most microchips, like implanted medical devices such as hip replacements and pacemakers, are probably not expected to last beyond a certain period of time. That argues that targets are implanted with multiple microchips so that if one stops functioning, another one will continue. Continuity in electronic stalking and mind control is very important.
Many targets receive both voices as well as physical effects from their attackers. There is increasing evidence that the voices and the physical assaults may stem from two different remote weapons. For example, in my case I not only receive electronic effects but also get the voices. If the voices come from an illegally implanted microchip, why did hundreds of holes appear in sheets of aluminum foil I had placed over my bedroom windows? This suggests that if indeed microchips are used, they must function in consonance with the electromagnetism and directed energy weapons.
We have been led to believe that microchips are cylindrical capsule-looking devices about the size of an oft-quoted “grain of rice.” That may no longer be true. Today scientists have the capability of manufacturing a microchip in many forms and shapes and from many substances. A microchip may now look like a very thin wire no longer than perhaps a quarter of an inch. Another possible microchip will look like a mole and will probably be attached to the sub-dermis with very short wires that serve as antennas. Nano-microchips can also probably be ingested orally.
Microchips have evolved from the traditional, capsule-like ones often pictured in articles about the Verichip on the internet. Today microchips take many shapes, forms, and sizes. There is proof that microchips in the form of tiny darts smaller than a human hair and less than a quarter of an inch long can be shot into a target from a distance.
I definitely feel that there is at least one microchip in my body. Some of my symptoms could only come from within the body, for example, the unusual salivation, the cramps, the gastric disturbances, and the pin pricks. Those effects can probably be caused only by specialized software. That software must operate in conjunction with a code from an object within the body that responds to a computerized command – doubtlessly a microchip. Let me repeat that despite the many theories, so far ONLY microchips are PROVEN capable of interacting with victims to produce physical and mental torture.
In my case, most of the symptoms occur on and around my head, which leads me to believe that if there is indeed an object in my body probably located in that region. Here are some of the effects on my head: tinnitus (ringing in the ears); tops of ears oozing a colorless fluid; sensation of bubbles popping in mouth; salivating from the mouth at any time; pin pricks on the eyes and a loss of vision; the top of the nose coating over with a thick crust; tingling on the skin (as a result a brown spot has appeared on the right outside nostril and a sore-type depression, on the right side of my chin); clicking on my head and in my left ear; frequent, long-lasting, pin-like prick on the back of my neck; the sensation of flies crawling on my face; a psoriasis-like area on my cheek near the left eye; a very sharp sensation on or in several teeth (as if a dentist drill had hit a nerve); a heavy pounding, throbbing in the back of my head; an unnaturally intense itching in the corners of my eyes and on my eyelids; pin-like pricks in the depths of my ears that cause me to shudder violently; air that pushes my lips out as if I were snoring through my mouth; scratching of the throat, which causes either sneezing or coughing; a tingling inside my nostril that induces sneezing; blockage in my esophagus that makes it difficult to swallow; constant itching inside my nostrils that makes me want to “pick” my nose; and of course the voices that occur in my brain or ears. (More about symptoms later.)
Software and Its Uses for ESMC
Regardless of how a target is “hooked,” to perform electronic stalking and mind control on that target requires a computer and computer software. The software is used for both the electronic, or physical effects, and the neurological assault. Much of the software utilized can be bought off the shelves in retail stores. Other software, particularly that used for neurological assault, is specialized and probably can only be procured by medical personnel and authorized persons in the military-intelligence-law enforcement-industrial complex. That computers and software are used for those purposes strongly argues that targets carry some type of foreign object in their bodies for them to act upon.
Physical Effects
Everybody has seen movies in which scientists manipulate radioactive and other devices from behind glass walls with instruments by remote. Nowadays doctors can do the same thing, except at a much greater distance. Physicians can monitor and adjust their patients’ heart beat rate, blood pressure, and other bodily functions by remote over hundreds, probably thousands of miles. I know a person in south Louisiana whose heart doctor lives and practices in Houston. Whenever the person experiences an irregular heartbeat, he simply calls the doctor who then monitors the patient’s heart using his computer software and adjusts the heartbeat rate by remote. The doctor’s device must necessarily key in the ID number or symbol on the patient’s pacemaker to be able to do that.
It is only too logical that the same device that the physician uses to regulate a heartbeat can also be used to cause the opposite effect, an irregular heartbeat. My handlers often attempt to interfere with my normal heartbeat while repeating subliminally, “Heart attack.” Targets call that “faux heart attacks,” or “induced heart attacks.” Many other targets also suffer from irregular heartbeats caused by their handlers. Those targets only very rarely wear pacemakers, which argues that they must host some other type of receiver-transmitter in their body that carries an ID that can connect with similar software.
In addition to the software that causes faux heart attacks, the handlers possess software that allows them to cause severe gastric problems, including the formation of much stomach gas or air on the targets’ stomachs, and to light up the interior of targets’ stomachs, intestines, and esophagi. I suggest that the handlers employ software used for performing colonoscopies. Although a doctor who does a colonoscopy operates from nearby, the device nevertheless operates by remote.
The handlers use software that provides a light that allows them to view our organs and the inside of our throats and stomachs by remote. Moreover, the handlers can perform sodomy on targets, as they have on me and on many of my correspondents both male and female. When that occurs, it feels exactly like the tube used for the colonoscopy. If a device can function from a few feet away by remote, what is to prevent its performing that same function from many miles away?
Doctors also perform eye, nose, and sinus surgery using computers by remote. Once again, normally the computer and the computer software are in the same room with the patient. However, it could easily be used by remote over a great distance. Likewise, hearing technicians who fit hearing aids check and adjust the hearing by remote. That could be done a thousand miles away as easily as from the desk in front of the hearing aid recipient.
Prostate problems are often treated by instruments run off computers using specially designed software. Many male targets complain that their handlers cause them pain in the groin and cause unnatural erections. By stimulating parts of the penis or vagina and the colon by remote, the handlers can cause erections in men and unnatural orgasms in women. Playing with the targets’ sexual organs by remote is seemingly one of the favorite activities of the handlers.
There is also various specialized dental software that allows the user to view the patient’s teeth and mouth in great detail by remote. Those programs work with x-rays of the patient’s mouth. Dentists normally use a simple laptop computer for that purpose. I suspect that a dentist, using the dental records of a particular person, could locate with his dental software that person wherever he might be. The same type program can be used with x-rays of any part of the patient’s body, either internal or external. Many targets complain that their handlers are able to focus on particular teeth to make them feel like they are being drilled without an anesthesia. Although that computer software is normally used only a few feet from the patient, it can also be used from many miles away.
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