A Brief History of the Apocalypse.
Daniel and Enoch both prophesized regarding weeks of years. Enoch provides us with descriptions of 10 of them, which Daniel touches on the last eight, primarily. I refer to them primarily because they numbered stuff in a simple way :)
The weeks are weeks of prophetic years, also known as times. A time is 360 literal years. Seven sets of 360 literal years is a week. 360 because lunar calendar, and Babylonian astrology. Much prophecy is based on the fact that every 72 years we go through 1 degree in the precession of the equinoxes. So enoch describes 25200 literal years which is most of a Solar Cycle (it is two prophetic years short, more or less) and this is fitting because his name means cycle of the sun. The Hindus also prophetically describe this cycle but they include the missing 10 degrees. 25960 years is their count.
In a nutshell he tells us that righteousness was the rule in the first week (62nd of daniel) in his time which was the time of Adam around 20670bc. As this week ended a people emerged worshipping "the prince who will come".. they destroyed a prehistoric city and temple in the second / 63rd week and as a consequence a flood was decreed. This coincides with the end of the Satya yuga of Hinduism, which was the golden age.
Weeks compared to ancient sea levels
A few were chosen to survive and carry on the seed of righteous civilization, presumably holding the knowledge of the previous world and its sciences.
From the 64th week through to the 67th week the basics of civilization were re established such as agriculture and pottery and metallurgy. However Enoch tells us that as technology emerged ALL THE LIVING WERE CURSED WITH BLINDNESS AND MADE TO FORSAKE WISDOM. In the 68th/ 7th week beginning in 5550 bc (when sea levels stabilized according to science) the apostate generation rose, while the righteous were taught the nature of the sevenfold path. Writing and the priesthood became a foundation for civilized existence.
In the 69th/8th week which began in 3030bc (72 years or one solar degree after the hindu kali yuga began) the conquering angels had the tools necessary to escalate the campaign to purge the Earth. Or as enoch says a sword was given to them to enslave sinners. Most of recorded history begins here... the rulers of the hierarchy had now domesticated humans on a large scale through the knowledge of their priesthoods. Human sacrifice and various occult forms of population management were developed and empires exploded in size and power... writing and math grew in sophistication.. hammurabis code and the law of moses were put forth halfway through the week... and the kings prospered.
The 9th // 70th week summarized was the tale of the Roman Republic, the 4th beast symbolized by a 3 headed eagle which was ruled by no king but simply men - and how they conquered the world. Enoch says that in this week the godless works are judged and vanquished, and the world is written down for destruction.
This week began in 509 bc with the foundation of the roman republic by treachery. Rome and the catholic church are the antichrist. a number of events confirm this prophecy. Notably the sacrifices, by which the old world religions honoured their gods, were ended by imperial decree.under theodosius in 392 AD. This was 2 and a half prophetic years into the 70th seven.
And as it was written 360 years after the sacrifices were ended by force the abomination which desolates arose. This was the year 752 AD when the Catholic Church became a Kingdom, through a forged document known as the Donation of Constantine... which claimed for the church 3 kingdoms as their rightful territory. The document also declares the pope VICARIVS FILII DEI or vicar of christ.... Now if we analyze the Roman numerals of this title: 5+1+100+1+5+1+50+1+1+500+1 = 666. Food for thought. The word Vatican means prophesizing serpent... aka false prophet. And the room from which the pope addresses audiences is literally a snakes head.
Anyways Through the conquest of the king of the Francs this forged document was made reality, and thus the little horn of the church uprooted and conquered 3 major horns through deceit. This was 3 and a half years into the 70th week. 42 prophetic months remained yet.
The trumpets initiated 210 yrs or 7 prophetic months following this event, in the year 962 AD. Now here's a secret : each trumpet lasts 150 years, and it resonates strongest 75 years after it is blown. The trumpets are phases of a great war against the human populations of earth by archons angels and the forces of heaven. This war is waged as men are inclined to disobey gods will due to their own corrupted nature. 962 AD is properly the 0th trumpet. I will describe their course.
Trumpet 1: 1112 /1187 AD this is the prophetic resurrection of body of christ, the Morning Star, 3 prophetic years after his death, And as he spoke he came as a conqueror As the Knights Hospitallers.. who would come to conquer Jerusalem (the base of the evening star), and become a banking/military juggernaut for centuries. Not to mention their legendary status in freemasonry. As an example of their power; after they were betrayed by france and the pope... the king of france and the pope were killed. And the kings sons all died in short order, as well. This trumpet also is the beginnings of the great plagues in the form of leprosy https://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/templars-curse-king-france/
Trumpet 2 : 1267 / 1337 AD A great angelic government arises burning with fire and a third of the creatures in the sea perish, as the waters became blood. FYI blood is meant to indicate corruption or poisoning - as it is unholy to consume blood.. the sea represents the masses of people, the lower class. This government was the golden hordes of the mongols... A comet preceded their incursions into the west. Through them the black death which killed a third of Europe was manifested. Dark sciences were used to bring it upon the people.. as is the case in all plagues.
T3. 1412/1487 Wormwood. Waters made bitter and poisonous. A third of the LIVING creatures in the sea die.. Living creatures refers to those who are spiritually awake. Higher status, higher spiritual intelligence. The Jews were expelled from the Spanish Church, and the inquisition sought them out. In fact all who were openly aware of the antichrist tended to be killed through one device or another. The Jesuit order was founded during this trumpet- an order which used poison to strike down heretics. Overseas the remnant of an ancient religion were annihilated quite brutally. Plague of great pox aka syphillis
Trumpet. 4 1567 1642 1/3 [The stars and moon are darkened] the reformation/enlightenment.Plague = Smallpox. Note : the 6th seal is in 1652, and also speaks of a darkened sun and blood moon. Suns represent kings, and during the 70th seven all kings of the earth were conquered. The moon turning to blood signifies the rise of a corrupted and poisonous religion dominating this period.. during the latter portion of this prophetic year the pope himself became utterly enslaved to the power networks of his church.
Also note that this is the 49th prophetic year since the week of the flood. Read the laws regarding Jubilee in the Bible.... yes this law applies on the prophetic level. So the final prophetic year from 1652 to 2012 ad was characterized by "liberty" and the freeing of slaves. Fun facts right? In fact on the liberty bell the bible verse regarding this is inscribed. And what was the motto of the french revolution?
T5. First woe 1712//1787. 1717 Grand lodge of freemasonry founded. Inoculation and vaccination are invented. Abbadon/apollo the god of plagues and death is incarnated on earth. Napolean ( whose name means the true apollo) conquers Europe and supports the first mandatory vaccination campaigns.
"And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollo."
T6. 1867//1937. Ww1 and ww2. More scorpions.
THE 71ST SEVEN THE 10TH WEEK OF YEARS T7 December 25th 2012//2087. Initiation of VIALS.
As enoch writes: in the 7th year of the 10th week the great eternal judgement of mankind will begin.
As you can tell the judgement initiated in 2020 right on que. We are in the first vial and you can guess what the mark is.
In 2013 the black pope of the Jesuits became the true pope. There is a 1000 year old prophecy foretelling 112 Pope's. Yep Francis is 112.. as prophesized he is the final pope and the antichrist reigns over the earth. "who will lead his flock through many tribulations into perdition and the destruction of the city."
Bill Gates, Fauci, and Joe Biden are three notable figures who are devout Catholics. Meaning they owe their allegiance solely to the black pope, as he is vicar of christ on earth. So in fulfillment of prophesy they will continue pouring the vials of gods wrath. The first vial states that the plague we now face will generate very severe skin eruptions on a large scale very soon. There are of course scientific reasons for this. Anyhoo...
2nd vial begins in 2024. ALL CREATURES IN THE SEA DIE. This will be around 2/3 of humanity killed before 2030...
Blessed are they who live to see 1135 days, or 2087... this is 72 years, or one solar degree, into the next cycle of the sun, and the "fulfillment point" of the 7th trumpet - an eternal kingdom is founded.
Time is short y'all remember god even under the reign of satan.
BOOK OF ENOCH, PROPHECY OF WEEKS: https://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe096.htm
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