Monday, September 27, 2021



I have been raised and practiced sincerely held beliefs and teachings of my religious affiliations with respect to certain practices that are frowned upon at the very least and outright considered immoral and unethical at the most. vaccinations are considered medical procedures that use certain ingredients of which are considered to be unclean when introduced to the blood which is the life source that is believed to be sacred in humans. This also is not limited to merely vaccine. It is a widely held belief that certain things like aborted fetal cells or animal cells used in the creation of these medical treatments are interfering with the natural process of our God-given immune system, and that to interfere with that is to simply interfere with Gods will for my life. While most religions have relaxed their adherences to keeping the blood and body clean from foreign substances, I have always followed the strict belief in which my family has lived by for many generations.  I cannot in good faith go against what morals and spiritual teachings i have lived by and have taught my children to live by.  I have lived a life that has been free of any unnecessary medical treatments as well as any illnesses, which I credit to my faith. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

weird story I found on reddit

 My whole life was part of a millitary MK Ultra experiment and this is my brief story.

This was originally my message to those who think they are being gangstalked and have no idea why, but for some reason my post doesn't get approved in that sub. I know a lot of you won't believe me and will think that I'm schizophrenic drughead with religious delusions but I got to a point where I don't care about anything anymore, I have no more fear left in me. This is my brief personal story and some of my life experiences, but it is connected to everthing and so are all of you.

First of all, I don't know if anyone has experienced any mystical illuminations lately or stange dreams, but a few years ago I started to become extremely psychic, which was developing very slowly (due to taking drugs that I got free from friends), started having precognitive and higher dimensional dreams, and this year I was guided by something to go through a nigredo. The Magnum Opus literally came into my life without looking for it. I believe many people are going through this, and I believe we are entering into a mass awakening event. Covid is somehow connected and the gene therapy vaxx as well, and so is Epstein, who was searching for the "God particle". This is the grandest fucking conscpiracy ever.

Anyway after going through nigredo, I started to see my life clearly and how all the events are connecting and has meaning behind them, how scripted everything was, and started to see everything in archetypes. I can tell if something is "fake", like when I was walking out with a friend and he insisted to bring a bag so he can put his shirt in it. Then when we separated, he asked me to give him my bag and later he will bring home (Because he had his shirt in it). This is an example of a scripted event that they have to follow in order to create the simulation. They also collect dna, like my hair, or for example when my aunt (a freemason) cuts my beard she "accidentally" cuts my face with the machine, so she has my blood on it. Or when my ex gf tricked me into fall in love again with her, I travelled back to my country to see her and tell her I love her. We had sex, then she told me she doesn't want anything from me. Before I left, she nicely cleaned my face so she had my blackheads and pimples collected. They need DNA's from time to time, because if they have your dna, they can "put" you into the simulation.

Guys this is a millitary operation with highest classification, no one knows about it, only the big people in the big club. Do I sound like who totally lost it? I'm just scratching the surface lol!

I know now, that they cannot get into my head. Probably that's why I, and some of you aren't susceptible to V2K. And this is because our souls are hidden in the abyss, the only place that they can't get into. The hidden souls cannot be seen on the astralm realm, however they can see others. I also believe the voices will go away if you detox your mind and body. I know that they were trying to get into my head through my artworks and by pumping me with free LSD, they were trying to script my life to become an artist, and they wanted me to digitize my artworks into NFT in order to feed it into the super AI that is simulating the possible realities where the world doesn't end. My uncle also wanted to make a movie about me and my painting with his new 6K USD Black Magic camera. My other friend wants me to put my artworks into a gallery and make a "virtual tour" of the paintings. Basically creates a virtual reality and puts it up online. The reason they wanted my artworks is because I painted apocalyptic and biblical events where the world ends, like in book of revelations, and stuff that comes from the abyss. My "friends" when I was younger also tried to get into my head by psychic attacks when we were sniffing glue, and they couldn't get into my head. I wasn't hallucinating anything while my friends were tripping their asses off, and btw glue actually opens your mind to everything and to the astral realm just like pshycedelics. The "friend" who tried the pyschic attack on me killed himself a couple years later. He was a gangstalker. I also had a "friend" who came to see me sometimes just to steal all my money. He was also a gangstalker. Before he went to prison messaged me and was being nice to me, and he told me that the devil got him and there's no way out. He killed himself on the day he was supposed to be released from prison. I have too many friends that killed themselves, I also had friends who were being gangstalked too. They're all dead. I know it sounds like blaming them for my drug usage, but that's the way masons operate, the stalkers have to tempt you, that's how they actually ruining people, by hacking your free will, and I was very easy to be tempted by those free LSD's, coke, etc. They have been told to do drugs with me when we were younger, now they've all been rewarded, they're all succesful people with shitloads of money. Im surrounded by freemasons, literally everyone is in it, and I can see they are getting paid. I recognized that my friend is spending a lot of money while he had shitloads of debt, then they throw a scripted party and while I'm in the room, they are talking about how our friend went home and helped to sell their house. For about 40k (in USD) Scripted convo, so I will think that's where the money comes from. My father left us when I was about 4, I was exposed to a lot of brutality and sexuality, and he just disappeared. When I was around 17 he appeared again in my life, he helped me by allowing me to work with him, and we started to bond. He bought me a little land in my country, and we were planning to a build a little house there for me, but then he commited suicide. Not sure if it was scripted, maybe he wanted to get out, but they didn't let him.

I was also being poisoned by my family, my aunt and my grandma were cooking for me and my aunt was milking me while she just bought a new house for 1million british pounds and was selling the one I was living in with her 2 assets for another half million. She got married with a "businessman" who is rich and succesful, his story is like from a TV show, he was young, and he made a program or something and he sold it for millions and then he was just travelling the world and went to India, took LSD etc.. Scripted life, I'm sure he's a paid actor lol, and that is the cover story where my aunt get's the money from. I was also being poisoned by my friends when they were giving me drugs, they were laced with something. My body rejected it, I was having symptoms of bubonic plague (pestilence), not joking, there were big infected lumps in my groin area, neck and armpits that were oozing insane amount of pus. I had insane fever, and the pain was so intense when I went to the toilet I almost passed out. I didn't go to the hospital because I thought I had cancer or something and I just wanted to escape reality I was in agony. I was also being targeted by a raelian doomsday cult, I got involved with them on illegal forest raves, they tried to spike my drinks many times with GHB to knock me out, and were pumping me with drugs, but I got out before something went wrong. These people are abducting people and ship them to other countries probably for their adrenochrome and for their organs. They we asking for my blood and stuff, so first I thought they just doing human trafficking but it's deeper. I actually told them that I thought they were trying to kill me and guess what happened. Half the people moved city and some even countries. They also got paid nicely, lot of new tattoos, bike, phones, etc while they don't work and some of them are kitchen porters. They were collecting my artworks and were recording our convos, they had scripted question to shift the convo to my dreams and my visions, and recording everything, about my childhood, fav conspiracy theory, etc. This shit is insane and I'm so fucking deep in it, but I don't care anymore because I know that humanity is on the brink of the ascension event and the restoration of the primary Universe, and that we are all children of God. I've also met 2 witches who was heroin addicts and both tried to kill me. They both were tinder dates, but they were sent by someone, they were Thelemeists. One of them drugged me and tried to stab me in the back when I felt I have to leave the place, and the other one was trying to lure me to a forest. They were demons, they told me things like to rape them, fuck them in a morgue, cut them up with knives, blaspheme on an altar, etc.. The second one infected me with Hepatitis C, but a inner voice told me to go to a clinic to get tested which I did, and it was positive. I got "lucky", I got into the treatment straight away and got cured.

The real reason they are torturing us is because we are all part of a millitary MK ultra operation. Maybe some of your lives was scripted as well, you just can't see it yet. Think about it, could it happen to you? To be in Truman Show? This MK Ultra operation is closely tied to CERN, DOD, syllicon valley, all governments, etc as it is happening all over the world, btw I'm not from USA. They are basically shifting us into a different timeline to stop Judgement Day, and in order to do that they have to script the lives of some of these individuals. These gangstalked people play a key role in the restoration of the pirmary timeline where the Apocalypse actually happens, but humanity ascends and only those die who's name is not in the book of life. I don't know who we actually are, I just know that our lives has to be scripted in order to avoid the Ascension. This is the end of Kali Yuga, the end of the cycle, and they are all scared of the Judgement Day, because they are going to be Judged by God and he's very pissed off for them corrupting the timline. Kali Yuga has to end, they are trying to break the cycle by simulating these fake "realities" like the one we are in at the moment, aka the Clown World where everything is upside down and fake as fuck. This timeline we are on, did not exist in the 4th dimension and they are creating as we go. We are not on the pirmary timeline because the world was supposed the end and humanity supposed to ascend to the higher realm not long ago. Many realities has already collapsed because the Apocalypse always happens and humanity ascends. By the way DEW/5G is not actually to torture us but to try to modify our DNA's as we are evolving. As the mind evolves, so does the dna and the body. A lot of people are becoming psychic and this is just the beginning.

I know we are going into very mystical realms, but this is real and happening. Basically CERN wasn't created to end the world but to stop the Apocalypse by corrupting our timeline. There's a super AI that is simulating these realities, and they feed it's neural network with adrenochrome, so it can "dream" those realities. This shit is just too wide to cover it properly, and I'm not even scratching the surface, I have so many stories but don't wanna make this post longer.

I have experienced such crazy synchronicities guys it's insane. When my aunt convinced me to dye my hair blonde, then she wanted to dye it to pink. Pink btw is the archetypal color of the NWO and the hivemind, Babylon's two colors mixed (Purple & Scarlet). Anyway I bought this hairdye that was silver cause I wanted my hair grey/white, and when I entered the shop there was a nice girl who distracted me. She couldn't reach the top shelf and I helped her, and by doing that I chosen a different dye. When my aunt dyed my hair, it turned back to my original haircolor (brown), because it had the wrong dye in it, it was brown, not white. It was probably a mistake by the factory, but that girl was an angel sent by God. Or when my friend got sold out to the masons and when we were walking home he found a bag of money on the fence, it was 1pound 50 pence, which is 30 silver coin xD It was God telling me he fucking sold me out. He also "accidentally" cut his hand twice on full moon. Oh btw we were working in the most famous Occult and Thelemist bar in Europe. Believe me when I say we all have true free will and that's why they cannot just kill us. Free will and Karma is real, so is God's Judgement which they're fucking terrified of. Also I find all this shit out when I'm 33 years old? It's a sign from the Lord, I just cannot believe in coincidences anymore. This is not just in my mind, God led me here to find this out as I believe we are getting close to key points on the timeline.

I don't know what else to write, I have too much events and connections to tell, I just wanted to tell the gangstalked people out there that they are not alone in this, and look out for the fake stuff in their lives, drama's, scripted convos/events, etc, and I know you all will think I'm crazy but this is happening to me, and I believe it's happening to many others, they just aren't aware of it.


Monday, September 6, 2021


Tiny spy chip planted on a circuit board
MORE THAN A year has passed since Bloomberg Businessweek grabbed the lapels of the cybersecurity world with a bombshell claim: that Supermicro motherboards in servers used by major tech firms, including Apple and Amazon, had been stealthily implanted with a chip the size of a rice grain that allowed Chinese hackers to spy deep into those networks. Apple, Amazon, and Supermicro all vehemently denied the report. The NSA dismissed it as a false alarm. The Defcon hacker conference awarded it two Pwnie Awards, for "most overhyped bug" and "most epic fail." And no follow-up reporting has yet affirmed its central premise.

But even as the facts of that story remain unconfirmed, the security community has warned that the possibility of the supply chain attacks it describes is all too real. The NSA, after all, has been doing something like it for years, according to the leaks of whistle-blower Edward Snowden. Now researchers have gone further, showing just how easily and cheaply a tiny, tough-to-detect spy chip could be planted in a company's hardware supply chain. And one of them has demonstrated that it doesn't even require a state-sponsored spy agency to pull it off—just a motivated hardware hacker with the right access and as little as $200 worth of equipment.

"It’s not magical. It’s not impossible. I could do this in my basement."


At the CS3sthlm security conference later this month, security researcher Monta Elkins will show how he created a proof-of-concept version of that hardware hack in his basement. He intends to demonstrate just how easily spies, criminals, or saboteurs with even minimal skills, working on a shoestring budget, can plant a chip in enterprise IT equipment to offer themselves stealthy backdoor access. (Full disclosure: I'll be speaking at the same conference, which paid for my travel and is providing copies of my forthcoming book to attendees.) With only a $150 hot-air soldering tool, a $40 microscope, and some $2 chips ordered online, Elkins was able to alter a Cisco firewall in a way that he says most IT admins likely wouldn't notice, yet would give a remote attacker deep control.


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"We think this stuff is so magical, but it’s not really that hard," says Elkins, who works as "hacker in chief" for the industrial-control-system security firm FoxGuard. "By showing people the hardware, I wanted to make it much more real. It’s not magical. It’s not impossible. I could do this in my basement. And there are lots of people smarter than me, and they can do it for almost nothing."

A Fingernail in the Firewall
Elkins used an ATtiny85 chip, about 5 millimeters square, that he found on a $2 Digispark Arduino board; not quite the size of a grain of rice, but smaller than a pinky fingernail. After writing his code to that chip, Elkins desoldered it from the Digispark board and soldered it to the motherboard of a Cisco ASA 5505 firewall. He used an inconspicuous spot that required no extra wiring and would give the chip access to the firewall's serial port.

The image below gives a sense of how tough spotting the chip would be amidst the complexity of a firewall's board—even with the relatively small, 6- by 7-inch dimensions of an ASA 5505. Elkins suggests he could have used an even smaller chip but chose the ATtiny85 because it was easier to program. He says he also could have hidden his malicious chip even more subtly, inside one of several radio-frequency shielding "cans" on the board, but he wanted to be able to show the chip's placement at the CS3sthlm conference.

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motherboard with oval highlighting Elkins' chip
The bottom side of a Cisco ASA 5505 firewall motherboard, with the red oval marking the 5-millimeter-squared chip that Elkins added.PHOTOGRAPH: MONTA ELKINS

Elkins programmed his tiny stowaway chip to carry out an attack as soon as the firewall boots up in a target's data center. It impersonates a security administrator accessing the configurations of the firewall by connecting their computer directly to that port. Then the chip triggers the firewall's password recovery feature, creating a new admin account and gaining access to the firewall's settings. Elkins says he used Cisco's ASA 5505 firewall in his experiment because it was the cheapest one he found on eBay, but he says that any Cisco firewall that offers that sort of recovery in the case of a lost password should work. "We are committed to transparency and are investigating the researcher’s findings," Cisco said in a statement. "If new information is found that our customers need to be aware of, we will communicate it via our normal channels."

Once the malicious chip has access to those settings, Elkins says, his attack can change the firewall's settings to offer the hacker remote access to the device, disable its security features, and give the hacker access to the device's log of all the connections it sees, none of which would alert an administrator. "I can basically change the firewall's configuration to make it do whatever I want it to do," Elkins says. Elkins says with a bit more reverse engineering, it would also be possible to reprogram the firmware of the firewall to make it into a more full-featured foothold for spying on the victim's network, though he didn't go that far in his proof of concept.

A Speck of Dust
Elkins' work follows an earlier attempt to reproduce far more precisely the sort of hardware hack Bloomberg described in its supply chain hijacking scenario. As part of his research presented at the Chaos Computer Conference last December, independent security researcher Trammell Hudson built a proof of concept for a Supermicro board that attempted to mimic the techniques of the Chinese hackers described in the Bloomberg story. That meant planting a chip on the part of a Supermicro motherboard with access to its baseboard management controller, or BMC, the component that allows it to be remotely administered, offering a hacker deep control of the target server.

Hudson, who worked in the past for Sandia National Labs and now runs his own security consultancy, found a spot on the Supermicro board where he could replace a tiny resistor with his own chip to alter the data coming in and out of the BMC in real time, exactly the sort of attack that Bloomberg described. He then used a so-called field reprogrammable gate array—a reprogrammable chip sometimes used for prototyping custom chip designs—to act as that malicious interception component.

"For an adversary who wants to spend any money on it, this would not have been a difficult task."


Hudson's FPGA, at less than 2.5 millimeters square, was only slightly larger than the 1.2-millimeters-square resistor it replaced on the Supermicro board. But in true proof-of-concept style, he says he didn't actually make any attempts to hide that chip, instead connecting it to the board with a mess of wiring and alligator clips. Hudson argues, however, that a real attacker with the resources to fabricate custom chips—a process that would likely cost tens of thousands of dollars—could have carried out a much more stealthy version of the attack, fabricating a chip that carried out the same BMC-tampering functions and fit into a much smaller footprint than the resistor. The result could even be as small as a hundredth of a square millimeter, Hudson says, vastly smaller than Bloomberg's grain of rice.

"For an adversary who wants to spend any money on it, this would not have been a difficult task," Hudson says.


"There’s no need for further comment about false reports from more than a year ago," Supermicro said in a statement.

But Elkins points out that his firewall-based attack, while far less sophisticated, doesn't require that custom chip at all—only his $2 one. "Don’t discount this attack because you think someone needs a chip fab to do it," Elkins says. "Basically anyone who’s an electronic hobbyist can do a version of this at home."

Elkins and Hudson both emphasize that their work isn't meant to validate Bloomberg's tale of widespread hardware supply chain attacks with tiny chips planted in devices. They don't even argue that it's likely to be a common attack in the wild; both researchers point out that traditional software attacks can often give hackers just as much access, albeit not necessarily with the same stealth.

But both Elkins and Hudson argue that hardware-based espionage via supply-chain hijacking is nonetheless a technical reality, and one that may be easier to accomplish than many of the world's security administrators realize. "What I want people to recognize is that chipping implants are not imaginary. They’re relatively straightforward," says Elkins. "If I can do this, someone with hundreds of millions in their budget has been doing this for a while."