Monday, September 27, 2021



I have been raised and practiced sincerely held beliefs and teachings of my religious affiliations with respect to certain practices that are frowned upon at the very least and outright considered immoral and unethical at the most. vaccinations are considered medical procedures that use certain ingredients of which are considered to be unclean when introduced to the blood which is the life source that is believed to be sacred in humans. This also is not limited to merely vaccine. It is a widely held belief that certain things like aborted fetal cells or animal cells used in the creation of these medical treatments are interfering with the natural process of our God-given immune system, and that to interfere with that is to simply interfere with Gods will for my life. While most religions have relaxed their adherences to keeping the blood and body clean from foreign substances, I have always followed the strict belief in which my family has lived by for many generations.  I cannot in good faith go against what morals and spiritual teachings i have lived by and have taught my children to live by.  I have lived a life that has been free of any unnecessary medical treatments as well as any illnesses, which I credit to my faith.