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In this video http://aircrap.org/weatherman-scott-...-day-1/335750/ weatherman Scott Stevens provides accurate commentary on how both chemtrails and HAARP have been used to intensify and steer Hurricane Sandy. Chemtrails off the British Columbia Coast were used to create a weather system that was moved via HAARP across the continent to collide with and intensify the hurricane.
HAARP output in the NYC area is the highest its ever been in the history of the Project right now http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative...=beforeitsnews
Here is a list of chemtrail and weather modification patents: http://inquiringminds.cc/list-of-che...cation-patents
This documentary film "Why in the World Are They Spraying?" contains interviews with a lot of credible people about chemtrails and weather control: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEfJO0-cTis
The Department of Defense published a white paper in 1996 titled "Weather as a Force Multiplier- Owning the Weather by 2025"
Who are the enemy? Answer: All of us. This is about population control. The drought in the midwest has been caused by chemtrails and HAARP. The purpose was to drive a lot of small farmers off their land which has been bought up by giant agribusinesses and planted with Monsanto's genetically engineered seed that will germinate despite aluminum being sprayed via chemtrails causing a rise in alkalinity of the soil that prevents heirloom seeds from germinating. See Monsanto's patent here: http://farmwars.info/?p=7760
What is the goal of intensifying and steering this hurricane into NYC on Halloween just before the election? Hard to say for sure right now, but we'll see as this continues to unfold. Suffice it to say that it is not "conspiracy theory" that chemtrails and weather modification caused by a comb of chemtrails and HAARP is going on. The evidence is irrefutable. Ordo Ab Chao is the motto of the Illuminati. (Order out of Chaos). Could they use this hurricane to A) Trigger Martial Law thus preempting the election, or B) Hold down voter turnout for some sector of the electorate they're hoping to steer away from the polls? I'd say either is a possability. The Bilderberg Group control both horses in the so called "race." They can insert either one they want and have multiple tools to bring about whatever their decision for us is, and that includes using Weather as a Weapon. We do know that a move is afoot to collapse the dollar in order to force us into the CFR's long planned North American Union collectivist dictatorship with Canada and Mexico. We do know that Canada has been harmonizing its laws with the EU via the CETA trade agreement. I forced the US FDA to give me their internal documents via the Freedom of Information Act on a scam they have called the Trilateral Cooperation Charter. I have hard evidence that the FDA has created the framework to harmonize the food and drug laws between Canada the US and Mexico with zero input from the citizens of the 3 countries, and I was blocked from getting congressional oversight on this scam due to numerous members of the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the House Commerce Committee being bought off via pharmaceutical PAC donations.
So, what do I think of Hurricane Sandy? Its clear to me that it has indeed been intensified and steered via HAARP and Chemtrails, the evidence for this is there, we just won't know what the reason was for until more things play out.
We do know that the US Army has Want Ads on the web to hire the soldiers who will be guards in the concentration camps which they call "interment camps" (just like what they were called the last time we had them on US soil when President Roosevelt forced people living on the west coast of Japanese descent into them. Here you can see the Army want ad for the concentration camp guards:http://theintelhub.com/2012/05/11/mi...ds-in-the-usa/
Does any of this prove that Hurricane Sandy was created with the intention of triggering martial law? No, but is it a possabilty? Yes! It is also a possability that the hurricane could be intended to influence the election in some way, but we'll have to see what happens and judge that later.
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