Thursday, November 15, 2012


Frankenstorm Sandy

Weather Weapons Used
to Attack US East Coast!

The US Government is responsible for purposely enhancing and manipulating the destructive power of Hurricane Sandy. Weather Weaponization programs have received Billions of dollars of funding in the past decades. The Corporate News media fails to report on such Black Ops projects. There is an abundance of information on the internet available for HAARP and Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program (HAMP) geoengineering and steering of storms. This was NOT all Mother Nature, Big Brother had a hand in this!

Below are some links to the scientific background and recent evidence of how Sandy was “manufactured” into the Halloween Frankenstorm that has pulverized the Northeastern United States coast.

MUST SEE links to learn what your tax dollars are paying for.

The same Military Industrial Complex who brought us False Flag 911 attack, the “never to be found Weapons of Mass Destruction Iraq War”, the 2008 Financial Crash and the coming Fiscal Cliff Depression of 2013 are once again attacking its own citizens to bring this nation to its knees.

The ultimate goal is to create a New World Order, Global Government intended to make us, and our children, slaves to the 1% Global Bankers.

It is nothing short of Treason by the Democrat / Republican political machine that is seeking to be legitimized once again through our “votes” in the up coming election.

The Age of Representative Government is as dead as the Age of Kings.
The time has come to throw out all of these 2 Party Bums and form of new governmental system based on Direct Democracy over the Internet where we vote for our own interests. Recent history proves that it is far to easy to buy, bribe and corrupt a few thousand politicians to sell out the public interest and well being.

It is your responsibility as citizens to research and face up to the tragic truth that our government is declaring war on its people.

Don’t take my word for it.
Search the web for your own information:

HAARP, HAMP, Chemtrails, Geoengineering Aerosol Spraying, Project Stormfury

Weather Modification Experts: Ben Livingston, Dr Nick Begich, Bob Fletcher, Governor Jesse Ventura

Check out for yourself how Hurricane Sandy was purposefully manipulated and manufactured to attack your homes, families and communities. This is neither a call to revolution or anarchy, but a call to the next logical evolution of democracy and rule of law with minority opinion rights.

Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would approve this message.

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